iMac or Macbook?


Jan 19, 2005
I'm looking to spend some of my tax refund on an Apple computer. I have never owned one before, and I want it to last a while.

I really like the look of the iMac, but it has underpowered graphics.

The MacBookPro 15" look's very nice design wise, and it seems very powerful.

My question is, are there any plans on refreshing the iMac line soon, and/or where can I find a MBP cheaper than apples site?
I bought myself the lowest-end 15" Macbook Pro this weekend, and I'm quite happy with it so far. I mean, it's a fairly small and light laptop with all the pros and cons that brings, but as far as medium-sized laptops go, it's the bee's knees.

Cheaper Macs means Ebay, pretty much. Apple force retailers not to undercut their own prices, so it's difficult finding Mac bargains.
i've got a base model mbp just like BMR and i love it.

my gf gave me a 320gb 7200rpm drive for it for christmas too, i'm reluctant to upgrade to 2x2gb ram cause i've been hearing mixed things about compatibility, but yeah... the extra vram wouldn't have been worth it for me simply because it's a multimedia machine for me, not a gaming machine; that's what my desktop is for (and is receiving a hefty upgrade today :p).
I got mine with 2x2 gigs. No issues yet.

To hell with stationary computers. I'm going to sell my PC and not buy another stationary computer unless I start freelancing or something.
I really like the look of the iMac, but it has underpowered graphics.

Underpowered for what tasks? If you want a gaming machine, then you aren't really in the market for a Mac: while gaming on the Mac seems to be slowly rousing from its long slumber, you're still going to want a Windows PC for anything approaching serious gaming. For everything outside of games, the iMac's graphics hardware is all you'll need.

That said, the new MacBook Pro is probably the best device Apple offers for gaming, thanks to the GeForce 9600M. If you're dead set on having a large display, however, you could get the MBP and the new Apple Cinema Display.

Personally, I have an aluminum MacBook and I'm happy with it.
The bottom line is that the iMac and Macbook occupy very different spaces.
It's true that both are full systems complete with a display but I feel the simple fact that portability is involved with the Macbook makes a huge difference.

The route that I personally ended up taking was purchasing a MBP. The reasoning was that I needed a laptop for school, and I wanted a machine that would hold up to webdesign and the Adobe suite. At home I attach a monitor, use a laptop stand, and have a bluetooth keyboard and Logitech MX Revolution. Currently I have no other computer other than the MBP, although I do plan to purchase a Mac Mini whenever Apple gets off their lazy asses and releases a new one.

If all your content creation, work space, and everything else is at home and you have no need for any form of portability, obviously the iMac makes the most amount of sense. Both systems will have enough horsepower to do anything that you really need.
I agree with Unknown. I have a MacBook Pro. I can take it with me wherever I go. At home using an external monitor, keyboard and mouse, it has replaced my old desktop PC (I'm going to Bootcamp XP), a great way to upgrade your home computer.
New iMacs are on the horizon. I work at Best Buy and Apple has stopped shipping us new product (iMacs) to sell.