In-ear headphones for <$90?


Limp Gawd
May 7, 2007
So I have been thinking of investing in a pretty decent pair of in ears within my budget. Keep in mind I have an employee discount at best buy (shures?) I was thinking of ultimate ears.

Also I'm looking for a well rounded sound. I definitely want some bass but I love clear mids and highs. Right now I'm using my pmx100s which have a nice, warm bass; however they are lacking in the mids and highs and since they are open I lose a lot of sound. I need some isolation from the noise of a busy college town :)
I recommend Ultimate Ears based on customer support alone.
The fact they make top quality products is icing on the cake :)

I got an email from them a month or so ago that there was a set for $50ish. I don't know if that was a special or a new you might want to check that out.

I live in Irvine, CA and their offices are literally a few blocks away. Anytime I've had issues they've resolved them quickly. The first issue was me forgetting to send in a rebate a few years back. I just brought my barcode and receipt down to the office and the secretary cut me a check on the spot! The second issue was that there was some problem with the metal case they gave with the superfi's which resulted in some of our earbuds cracking. I kept forgetting to take them in until a couple months ago, which I'm not certain but put me very close to being out of warranty or actually out of it, but no matter my wife took my earbuds down to the office and they replaced them the next day.

I can think of a literal handful of merchants who still deliver that level of customer service and they all have my lifelong support as a result of it. In my opinion, companies that care about their customers at this level care about their products' quality, as well.