In-game reboots


Jul 15, 2004
Today, when I went to play UT2004, I got about 30 seconds into the game, and then my computer just reboots. I then tried America's Army, same thing(reboot). Ive turned off 'auto restart' in hopes of seeing some for of blue screen error message, but when I went to play game again, the computer did bring up the blue screen, but there was nothing written, just a blank blue screen. I've reinstalled drivers up to the newest omega drivers, did not help my situation though. I've also checked all fans, they are running, so I doubt its overheating. Can someone please help me out here?? Thanks.
Forgot to mention, I'm running a 9800Pro.

XP Pro SP2
AMD64 3200+
1gig ram
nothing overclocked
Can you give us the specs on your PC? This seems like it might be a ram issue or your processor is getting to hot.

More specs please.

**Edit looks like we posted at the same time. LOL...

What are the temps on your processor and video card?**
cpu temp is between 35-40c
where is it that i would go to find out my video temps?
Its probably bad memory sticks.

If your CPU was overheating, your system would actually SHUT OFF, not reboot.

Memtest your memory, individually if you have a dual pack.
Can memory just randomly go bad on you. Because I was just playing UT2004 yesterday for a couple hours with no problems. It was just today that I went to play....and it did all this crap.
Go to Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-"Advanced" tab-In the bottom section titled "Startup and Recover" click the "Settings" button-In the middle of that screen is area called "System Failure", you just have to UNcheck the "Automatic restart" box.

Your computer is crashing with some error, but by default XP automagically reboots whenever it crashes and leaves few clues as to why it crashed...disabling that will at least let you see what is crashing.
yeah, look up at my original post. Ive disabled auto-restart, and then when it gives me the blue screen, the screen is just blank with no message.
that is kinda of scaring me actually, as I have never got a blank screen.


That's your basic BSOD. It translates into = "You need more Vcore, drop your FSB, loosen your mem timings".

Its almost always solved my more Vcore, but watch the heat.
I just tried it all again, same thing happening. Just a plain blue screen, nothing at all written on it. And yes, this is the first time ive ever seen a problem like this before. Normally, there is some sort of a message on these screens. Thanks for everyone's ideas and help. I just need some more for now though.
ive had htat happen when overclocking and it got too damn hot.. yes nothing written on the screen at all... maybe the fan on that 9800 is dying? ive heard of that happening a few times
i just did a little testing. I got a temp monitor called 'speedfan'. there is a label called 'temp2' and i dont know for SURE that is the gpu temp, but i'm making a rough guess here. but it has a temp chart over time..and it shows 'temp2' hovering around 35C. then i run dxdiag, just to put a little load on the gpu, and then once that test completed...i looked at the chart, and it showed that the temp spiked up to 45C, then came back down after the dxdiag test. Should this tell me that my gpu fan is dieing..? Please lemme know.