In need of a good MMO


[H] Brewmaster
May 17, 2005
Need something thats fun and not grindy like WoW. I have tried EVE, but I'm not sure I could invest the amount of time it would take to have fun in it. Need something that I could play casually like maybe an hour or so a night. Any suggestions? Games I have already tried :

Guild Wars
Lineage 2

Thanks in advance!

Don't just say LOTRO. Explain why you think that is.

I have tried just about every MMO out there and EVE is really the only one where you are not grinding to level up.

Your best bet is to go through They have a list of all the MMOs all rated. When I try to find one I go through there and try one out. So far though nothing has appealed to me.
Most of the leveling in LOTRO is done through completing quests, seldom will you find yourself just out killing stuff for the sake of leveling.
Try Anarchy Online.

It's free for the basic version play and since it's free, you don't feel pressured to play and get your money out of it. As casual as it gets. :)
Everquest 2.

There's a trial available which helps.

Lots to do, you can solo all the way up to level cap if you want which is very helpfull for casual play styles, or you can group the whole way. Game keeps getting better and better with every patch.

No need to grind for levels unless you wish to either with so many quests.

Nothing to lose by trying except a few hours spent downloading the trial :)
Ive played MANY MMOs, so heres some advice:

Ultima Online is a very cool game. You can download the full game for free from someplace. There are a lot of private shards (servers) that have different types of rules. A very cool game as long as your not all about graphics, because this engine is like 10 years old.

EQ2 is a great time. I played EQ1 for 7 years (i know i suck..), but the only thing the 2 games really share are common names and back story. EQ2 is a quest or grinding based system. The way this games works different than most is you have to find different grades of the skills your character has. All the class trainers teach lvl 1, but the upgrades to skill you find are huge. Tons of content, and pvp servers are an option. You had better have a pretty decient computer if you want this to run on it.

LOTRO, i know very little about other than trying the beta. Take WoW, add Gandalf and Treants and you have LOTRO. Interface is a step down from wow's customizibility.

And the is always Diablo 2, which still has a huge following.

And i would also suggest considering getting a console. I just picked up the Wii yesterday, and im having a blast bowling and golfing with the motion sensing controller.
I haven't played many MMOs, but I am addicted to EVE. I know you've tried it, but I think it's perfect for the casual gamer.

As noted, you don't have to "grind." All skills train in realtime, even when you log off. So set that 8-hour skill and then come back in 8 hours to start another one. You don't have to camp spawn sites etc just to get that ueber-loot.

Additionally, you can join [H]ard Corp and we'll help get you on your feet. We have a few casual gamers - they log in once or twice a week or an hour a night, run some missions to make money, maybe mine or do something else, then log off. It's great because you can just log on and do whatever you want - want to mine? Find an Asteroid Belt - it doesn't require waiting in line to spawncamp the roids. Want to run missions? Talk to your agent and you'll get one right away, just for you. Simple. Want to rat? Go to a fairly empty system and hit the belts to clear them. No waiting.

If you decide to give it another try, message me in-game (MorbidPenguin) or join the channel Hard-Recruiting and we'll help you out.
I haven't played many MMOs, but I am addicted to EVE. I know you've tried it, but I think it's perfect for the casual gamer.

As noted, you don't have to "grind." All skills train in realtime, even when you log off. So set that 8-hour skill and then come back in 8 hours to start another one. You don't have to camp spawn sites etc just to get that ueber-loot.

Additionally, you can join [H]ard Corp and we'll help get you on your feet. We have a few casual gamers - they log in once or twice a week or an hour a night, run some missions to make money, maybe mine or do something else, then log off. It's great because you can just log on and do whatever you want - want to mine? Find an Asteroid Belt - it doesn't require waiting in line to spawncamp the roids. Want to run missions? Talk to your agent and you'll get one right away, just for you. Simple. Want to rat? Go to a fairly empty system and hit the belts to clear them. No waiting.

If you decide to give it another try, message me in-game (MorbidPenguin) or join the channel Hard-Recruiting and we'll help you out.

Thanks buddy, one question though. What is all this Eve : Revelations stuff? Is this like an expansion?
Yes they updated the graphics, and added storlines, missiones, ships, etc etc
(so yes it is like an expansion, but cost)
You don't need a game, OP. That's because if you think any MMONRPG exists that either a) does not require grinding or b) is for anything remotely near a "casual" gamer... then you already live in fantasyland.
Age of Conan is going to be reaaaaally good me thinks... I'm on LOTRO now and love it.. but might need to jump ship for AoC.. we'll see... anyways. LOTRO is pretty and fun.. no PvP stuffs, lots of exploring and good vs bad.. plus the community seems to be made up of less kids and more peeps who are there to help and have a good time also.. which is nice. :)

but AoC.. looks promising..
Need something thats fun and not grindy like WoW. I have tried EVE, but I'm not sure I could invest the amount of time it would take to have fun in it. Need something that I could play casually like maybe an hour or so a night. Any suggestions? Games I have already tried :

Guild Wars
Lineage 2

Thanks in advance!


I've went through a laundry list of MMO's like yourself, until I landed on DDO, and even it took a while to stick.

I got it shortly after launch, played for a few months and then kind of petered out. I picked it back up for a few months, and then done the same thing. Now in January I started again, and it has really held my interest. Alot of the gameplay issues have been fixed and there is more content than I can keep up with. With new content coming monthly for free. Not just high end stuff either, they spread it throughout the game. And it's not just quests, skills, classes, races, level cap raises etc have all been opened up do to these "modules" and it's been to no extra cost than what it takes to play it.

The combat is pretty cool too, if you right click you swing your weapon, if it happens to hit something so be it, if you miss you miss. You can dodge this way, and hold shift button to put a block up.

In closing, the game has improved ten fold since launch compared to it at a year old, and has a strong community base.

Edit: but don't think I won't be willing to jump ship when AOC comes out if it is as fun as it looks to be.
Does DDO have any outdoor zones? I remember playing DDO a long time ago and it was all in a city wasn't it? I guess I didn't get very far into the game, after a while everything looked the same.. that disappointed me more then anything else..
i have played City of heroes/villains, Dark age of Camelot, anarchy online, everquest 2, EVE, and auto assault. my views on them

Dark age of Camelot - lots of content, 6 expansions now i think, decent graphics, not playable on vista, shrinking population, clustered servers, if what you are hunting is not up on yours, go to another. combat got VERY boring for me, although leveling was reasonable. long and boring crafting system, get yourself a small library when you begin to craft.

City of Heroes/Villains - not as many expansions, good graphics, playable on vista, small population on most servers, and that is divided into the heroes and villains areas, FUN combat, just introduced crafting, leveling gets tough after 40

Anarchy Online - 4 expansions, good backstory, very dated graphics, but that makes it playable on most any system(except vista). decent sized population, combat not too bad, but gets repetitive, especially since the level cap is at about 220

Everquest 2 - 3 large expansions, and 3 small ones, and more just announced, very good gameplay, playable on vista, decent server populations, and good combat, leveling a little tough when you get up there 60+, very well put together, when i started this i thought well this is a decent sized city, and i thought that was the full playing area, then i discovered the continent, and thought wow this is huge, then i discovered that was one of several, each of which is just about right level for you as you begin to get too familiar with the current one. also has a decent and interactive crafting system

EVE - fun and different, be carefully in this one, but made some good friends in there that helped me along, decent graphics, and playable, i enjoyed this one. playable on vista, leveling easy, all you need is time(not necessarily online time either) and money, both of which you can get if you have some patients.

Auto Assault - newer game, no expansions yet, decent gameplay, playable on vista, and good graphics, nice to have an MMO that is not a fantasy, leveling is good even solo, reasonable crafting system. lots of combat, and fairly fun at that, decent variety of areas to explore, and a new free expansion coming soon.

anyone else have anything to add, feel free
My suggestion is DAOC. Played it for 2 years before I had played WoW..its a bit dated, but one of the better MMO's on the marking IMO.
I have been playing EQ2 for 1.5 years. I don't see myself stopping any time soon.

There is a free trial but I don't think it gives you enough insight into the game and all its features. If you can get it cheap, buy it and and play for one month.
I don't want to open a new thread so I'll ask it here.

I also played all the major new MMOs such as WoW, GW and EVE, but haven't tried any of the DAoC's or EQ's....
I'm now thinking of either trying out EQ2 or DAoC, but my dillema lies here: Since I haven't played either, I imagine EQ2 is a sequal story-wise to EQ1, would I get lost if I never played EQ1?
What about DAoC, there are like 8 expansions plus the original, do they expect us to buy them all at like 20 bucks a piece to have a complete game, or can you just use the original and still be good with gear and stuff
I don't want to open a new thread so I'll ask it here.

I also played all the major new MMOs such as WoW, GW and EVE, but haven't tried any of the DAoC's or EQ's....
I'm now thinking of either trying out EQ2 or DAoC, but my dillema lies here: Since I haven't played either, I imagine EQ2 is a sequal story-wise to EQ1, would I get lost if I never played EQ1?
What about DAoC, there are like 8 expansions plus the original, do they expect us to buy them all at like 20 bucks a piece to have a complete game, or can you just use the original and still be good with gear and stuff

DAOC is a great solid game, if you havent tried it you should go ahead and give it a shot. Its the RvR mechanics of the game that really make it different from the other games out there. I am sure you can get a DAOC multi pack expansion set for like $49 or so. Or you can wait for Warhammer Online (which is made by mythic, the same people who made DAOC... It looks like its going to be a great MMO based off the warhammer series with strong PvP and RvR built in.)
EQ2 is very different from the original. The combat mechanics and leveling scheme are completely different. The old thing they share is the back story. EQ2 is set 500 years in the future from EQ1. Old school players like me often get a kick when we find something that we recognize from the original EQ but that is where any similarities end.

Additionally, with Game update #35 coming out soon, they are releasing a new playable race. This would be a good time to enter EQ2 since lots of people will be starting new characters when this update is released.

As far as DAoC is concerned, I played it when it was first released. It was a blast. The RvR combat was exciting and made for many late nights raiding castles with friends. The other side of the game (PvE) was quite dull. I'm sure that has changed over time but I remember it being very boring compared to other games.
DAoC does give you the entire game including all expansions for one low price, and the expansions are big and good, and the RvR is fairly well implemented and enjoyable, my biggiest and main problem with the game was the combat, which itself has some unique and good ideas, but it is implimented differently than in other MMOs in all other games that i have played, when you use a power or attack, you activate that power/attack style, it almost immediately goes off, and then you have a period of time that you must wait before you can again use that specific power/attack, in DAoC that is not the case, when you activate a power/attack you must then wait for it to go off, sometimes for as long as 30 seconds or longer, you may then immediately reuse that one, or another, and in addition to waiting for your power to go off, you must make sure that you stay in range of your target, and when it does go off, you must make sure you see the text of how well it went in order to plan your next move/attack, not too difficult when soloing, but bad in a group, and impossible in a raid, which i have seen consist of upwards of 400 characters. i enjoyed the game much, but after i reached max level, and was doing master quests, i discovered my self bored, because the combat did not keep me very involved, and the last straw was when i found my self reading a book during combat, because it was not very difficult to do so, i went on

as for EQ2 an amazing game, i have been playing for more than a year, and plan on playing for at least another, there are over 4k quests in the game, you can play on PvP or non PvP servers as you choose, and as i said earlier, the biggest compliment and most enjoyable part of the game to me is exploring, it is so huge, and while you cannot go every where, by the time you have fairly well explored your current areas of access you have leveled high enough to access more areas, and this is true all the way to the max level of the game. i am currently playing this and

Auto Assault a good blow-em-up and shoot them game, good backstory and graphics, and sonewhat easy leveling, a nice diversion from fantasy, but not a replacement for EQ2
I'm having a lot of fun playing 9Dragons, good graphics, no lag and its totally free.... should keep my interest until AoC is released... its very grind intensive much like rf online.