In need of new Laptop, suggestions?


Dec 17, 2007
So my sister is wanting to get a new laptop, and i have googled around trying to get good recommendations of like the best laptops of 2012, but most are either apple or $1500+ gaming laptops.
She is not looking to get a Apple laptop, it should be around 15", and in terms of performance, she plays the heavy web based games so a crappy integrated GPU isnt going to be enough performance, and she also watches 1080i TV video with WMC.
In terms of price, she hasnt stated a price range yet, but im more out to see what the range is myself before giving her a estimate of what a new laptop will cost her. So if you got recommendations of what companies to look at/not look at, or specific models, that would be great.
It sucks cause PC's are pretty basic, and other things are pretty basic in terms of what to expect...but IMO laptops are the most finicky and "your guess is as good as mine" in terms of how long they will last, when a part will decide to stop working etc. More moving/moveable parts and stuff...more to go wrong. And i have been out of the laptop game long enough to need to ask for suggestions.
How many threads in this forum just about new laptop? I always find Lenovo best for my work like games, notepad and mobile computing...