In search of sub $2,000 gaming laptop


Mar 18, 2006
I have never owned a gaming laptop before but am currently in search for one as I've reached the point where I'm almost never at my dorm which is 10 minute off campus from my college.... And I'm dyingto play games and attend LAN parties on campus but I only have a PC which is at the dorm and a laptop which can barely go over 10 fps on EVE Online IN station with all settings at low/disabled.

So I've decided to buy a new laptop and here my criteria.

Sub $2,000 USD
17" LCD
1920x1080 (None of those 1600x900 crap)
Dedicated Graphic card.
A system that is better than my current PC (Probably wont be too hard LOL)
Not interested in ASUS or Alienware laptops. too bulky.

Not too concerned about storage space. I'm not a hoarder that install everything onto my hard drive. Still running a PC with 36 gb Raptor with 250gb storage. :p However I do plan to replace the hard drive that come with the laptop with a high performing SSD and possibly configure them for Raid O.

I've been looking online reviews and I keep coming back to the MSI gaming laptop
This got almost everything I want. (Lacking Bluray and higher performing graphic card)

The other choice I recently found and drooling over. But couple hundred dollar over my budget... 18.4" with Dual Radeon HD 6990.

Anyone got a better recommendation?
Sweet, thank you! I'll look into those websites. Didn't know there were more than one choices of those Clevo laptops.
I've had a plethora of high-end gaming laptops over the past year and can tell you one thing: unless you're looking to compromise on performance, nothing will fit the "non-bulky" category. Definitely not an m18x which next to the bohemeth Asus w90vp I had is the biggest laptop I've used.

When comparing 17" laptops, I'd say all of the current gaming models I've used (Clevo/Sager p170hm, Asus g74, m17x R3, MSI GT683) are quite comparable in size/weight. Of those, my favorite was the Alienware m17x.

Probably the best balance between performance and portability I've used is the Clevo/Sager p150hm. Get one with a 6990m and a matte screen and you'll be happy. I can't say enough good things about XoticPC if you're looking to go with a Sager/Clevo.
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Trust me man, when it comes to 'gaming' laptops, they're bulky FOR A REASON. Seriously, I dare you to try gaming on a Macbook Pro with that Radeon 6770M and I'll give my condolences to your 3rd degree burnt hand. They're bulky because it's for cooling and heat dissipation. When it comes to gaming laptops, Alienware is usually my first recommendation as they've pretty much put high-end components in their portables. So yeah, gaming-capable, 17'' and not bulky, go for the MBP, but I won't be responsible for a burned hand (or your manhood if on your lap). The M17x is the best way to go, followed by ASUS and some Clevo rebadges.
If you're planning to buy the MSI, make sure you get the one with a Lenovo panel. The older MSI gaming laptops have some of the worst screens I've ever seen yet. Heck, it's worse than my Acer notebook display (and that's saying something).
One more thing, the reason I recommend the Alienware over other gaming laptops is that they're the only one that got the keyboard right for gaming. Gaming with a chiclet keyboard is just disruptive for me, but YMMV.
I have to recommend sager. I own a NP8170 with the 6990m ands its a beast of a laptop. Xoticpc also has great customer service.
I'd say to check out the Marketplace on NotebookReview and look at some of the used laptops if you don't mind a used laptop. Many of the sellers are top notch and must come with a warranty!

Bought a Asus W90vp on there with dual 4870's, Intel quad core, 6GB of RAM, 18.1 inch screen, etc for only $800 over a year ago! Mad cheap for a high-end piece of tech! :)