In the top 300


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2006
Nov 27, 2004
Now I just have to stay there....
Must... borg... MORE.....

You have a very nice daily production going. Congrats on being in the top 300. I remember I was really happy when I made it there. Crongrats.

-MN Scout

MN Scout said:
You have a very nice daily production going. Congrats on being in the top 300. I remember I was really happy when I made it there. Crongrats.

-MN Scout

It helps having a few machines at the office.....
Thanks guys! I'm just glad that I'm excited again about helping out. I thought about it alot while I was down for a while... don't know why I stopped.
Oh well... its in the past. :)
Welcome to the "300" club. This is where gardeners and small time farmers hang out in the new point scheme.

great to see you... 17 active processors, eh? let me move over so you can pass !! :p

Well... I will pass noone. I will simply temporarily occupy the space in front of you until you turn on your high-beams and pass.
Thansk for the kind words ya'll. :)
Congrats! Won't be long until you're pushing me out of the top 90 or 100.....
I'm 89th as of this morning.....

Keep on Folding!!

Maybe... but I may just have grand children before that happens. ;)
BakedON said:
Maybe... but I may just have grand children before that happens. ;)

I guess if that's the only way you can find to get more machines borged, then more power to you. :p

"Grampa... what's 'borged' mean? And why is my P7 90Ghz 'folding'?"
I just wish I had the resources to keep you behind me. It's not too much trouble to stay up here but the fight to get higher gets a lot harder. I can only imagine what I'm going to need to pull out when I get to the top 200. And damnit, I will get there and keep climbing.

SmokeRngs said:
I just wish I had the resources to keep you behind me. It's not too much trouble to stay up here but the fight to get higher gets a lot harder. I can only imagine what I'm going to need to pull out when I get to the top 200. And damnit, I will get there and keep climbing.

That's how I felt when i got my little farm going and thought I had some nice production happening and marty BLEW past me in an instant.... it was awe inspiring. ;)
i should be top 150 tomorrow... it'd help if my box (2.4ghz athlon) could actually grab a WU. its been failing to contact the assignment server for... almost 3 days now:confused: don't know what's up with that, but... grr:mad:

anyways, congrats on the top 300!
rogue_jedi said:
i should be top 150 tomorrow... it'd help if my box (2.4ghz athlon) could actually grab a WU. its been failing to contact the assignment server for... almost 3 days now:confused: don't know what's up with that, but... grr:mad:

anyways, congrats on the top 300!
Thanks! And an early congrats to you for when you break into the top 150! :)
Nice work BakedON! :D
Wont be too long before your running up behind me!
Throw another AMD on the fire! ;)

rogue jedi, My lappy got contankerous like that a few weeks back. Rebooting would usually get a new WU, eventually that petered out as well. Went 3 days trying to get a new WU. Uninstalling, and reinstalling F@H would get me one more WU, then nothing. Set that puppy to timeless, and now it gets a steady diet of little tinkers. It's an Athlon 2800+(2.186GHz, I think that's what the bios reports), so I'm happy.

Congrats on breaking the top 300 BakedOn. Expect you'll be blowing by Mayhem and myself in a coupla weeks or so. Due to recent unfortunate events, I'll be adding an A64 3400+ to my little garden in the next 10 days or so. Looking at the x86-64 release of Mandrake 10.1, and a Linux console install of F@H. Man I got a lot of reading to do.

The best thing about the top 300 is that everyone is moving up. Makes each b0rg all that more important. It just aggrivates the crap outta me that I can't get my b0rg on for another couple of weeks once they are done renovating the training lab at work.

The competition is definately more fierce the higher you go up.... :eek:

Hito Bahadur said:
The competition is definately more fierce the higher you go up.... :eek:

*despirate, screaming voice* YOU SHALL NEVER PUSH ME OUT OF THE TOP 100!!! NEVER!!! NEEEEEVVVVVVEEERRRRRRRRRR!!!! *end screaming voice*

*cough* Sorry...

....fierce? someone say fierce? :D

Keep on Folding!!

OSUguy98 said:
*despirate, screaming voice* YOU SHALL NEVER PUSH ME OUT OF THE TOP 100!!! NEVER!!! NEEEEEVVVVVVEEERRRRRRRRRR!!!! *end screaming voice*

*cough* Sorry...

....fierce? someone say fierce? :D

Keep on Folding!!

Yea check your 6 OSUguy98... :) My production will be way, way down for the next weeks but I'm hopening to bump by you first. As long as I get my roots into the 100 I'll be happy.