Incoming Price Drops?


Apr 5, 2007

According to this article we could see a huge price drop on LCD displays by the end of the year.

42" TVs that are going for 1k now will be 600-700$ then. 32 inches will only be 200-300$?! Even the 37 inchers will drop.

I wonder if this could mean computer LCD monitors will also drop in price to compete with this?

I was thinking of buying a new HD TV or LCD monitor but I think waiting may be wise now..
You can never really buy at the "right time," unless you get the hardware for free. I've been waiting for a year, putting up with this old CRT with its lines and spots. I'm getting at least a 24" this week, and if the drops extend to LCD monitors, I'll get another bigger one as well then, if I need it at all.
you can always wait and get a better deal. i just set a price limit on my purchases, im waiting for the 40" samsung 1080p to go for $1100 OTD and im there. i missed the sears deal :(
ive noticed that digitimes are always right about their pricedrop/increase predictions, so if u need to save money id w8 a while....

personally ive orderes a hanns-g 27.5" monitor cause its so cheap.... in about 4 years i think i'll be buying an uber screen which ill then keep for ages... by then powerconsumption should b minimal and response times should be instant.... what im trying to say is that if u dont have alot of cash its not wise to go out and spend alot of dough on a product that isnt flawless - thats just what i think anyway....
if 32 inch lcd hdtvs drop to 300 id spring on one in a heart beat then take my 19 inch samsung tv now and use it as a 2nd monitor instead of this gateway 2nd monitor.