Increasing airflow in the cosmos 1000?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 29, 2001
Just put my comoponents into one of these last night and have to say the airflow is fucking terrible to non existant. Just about everything has jumped up in temp drastically, my q6600-g0 at 3ghz under prime load is hitting in the mid 70's, in my last case (p180) 3ghz on that quad would be lucky hitting 60c.

Northbridge temps on my maximus formula shot through the roof when the cpu was at 3.6ghz, pc just shut down..when i went into the bios the hardware monitor was showing that the northbridge had to have been at 90c or higher as the shutdown temp is 90c. Also the fact that the northbridge temp was showing as 87c and falling reinforced that. Bear in mind that was with all voltages at defaults with the exception of the vcore being at 1.4.

Im amazed with the airflow being so piss poor in this case, you have one stupid little intake at the bottom of the case and any air that intakes willl most certainly be snagged by the video cards fans regardless of how its orientated.

Is it worth while trying to figure out how to increase airflow in this case? At the minute i feel like bunging all my components back into my 182 and trying to get rid of this massive stel paperweight. :mad:
Looks like that intake fan can take a 120x38mm fan, so I'd grab a 60-90CFM intake and try that out... sounds like you're just not getting enough intake. Might need to upgrade the top fans as well.
Did you try removing the heatsinks, cleaning the surfaces, re-applying the thermal compound, refit the coolers/heatsinks and then fit everything into the case?

Just asking because pulling the guts out of one case and stuffing them into another may have loosened the thermal grease bond between the component and the cooler and allowed an air gap for your temps to rise. And with that 250" blowing from the side you should be getting some sort of improvement on the temps or at the least the very same as the 182.
Did you try removing the heatsinks, cleaning the surfaces, re-applying the thermal compound, refit the coolers/heatsinks and then fit everything into the case?

Just asking because pulling the guts out of one case and stuffing them into another may have loosened the thermal grease bond between the component and the cooler and allowed an air gap for your temps to rise. And with that 250" blowing from the side you should be getting some sort of improvement on the temps or at the least the very same as the 182.

The cosmos s has the fan on the side, the stock cosmos 1000 has no side vent\fan.
My mistake, too many variants of the cosmos, almost as many as the stacker.
i dont have any problems with my Cosmos, are you using the stock fans? because they are absolutely crap!

i swapped mine for scythe slipstream 1900's and i dont break 50 load on my b3 @ 3ghz and thats with them all turned down to about 1/3 of there rated 1900RPM speed.

get them fans out and you will notice a diffrence.
Just put my comoponents into one of these last night and have to say the airflow is fucking terrible to non existant. Just about everything has jumped up in temp drastically, my q6600-g0 at 3ghz under prime load is hitting in the mid 70's, in my last case (p180) 3ghz on that quad would be lucky hitting 60c.

Northbridge temps on my maximus formula shot through the roof when the cpu was at 3.6ghz, pc just shut down..when i went into the bios the hardware monitor was showing that the northbridge had to have been at 90c or higher as the shutdown temp is 90c. Also the fact that the northbridge temp was showing as 87c and falling reinforced that. Bear in mind that was with all voltages at defaults with the exception of the vcore being at 1.4.

Im amazed with the airflow being so piss poor in this case, you have one stupid little intake at the bottom of the case and any air that intakes willl most certainly be snagged by the video cards fans regardless of how its orientated.

Is it worth while trying to figure out how to increase airflow in this case? At the minute i feel like bunging all my components back into my 182 and trying to get rid of this massive stel paperweight. :mad:
This is a late reply to this, but was wondering if you are still having this problem or if you found a fix? I was thinking of getting this case also... I have an Asus Maximus Formula motherboard. I'm not sure what I'll do now.

Maybe your cpu was overheating so much it heated up the northrbridge? Or I guess it could work the other way around also.
The bottom line is...replace the fans!

I had heating issues all around with the stock case fans. I'm running a q6600 B3 @ 3.0GHz with a Zalman 9500 cooler and an 8800GTS. The temps were something like this:

CPU 55 / 70
GPU 73 / 90
(Ambient temp was pretty high)

I replaced the Zalman with a Tuniq Tower 120, replaced the bottom intake with a Silverstone FM121 (<110 CFM), and replaced the rear and top-rear exhaust with Scythe 60 CFM fans. The temps dropped considerably:

CPU 38 / 52
GPU 49 / 65
(Ambient temp still high)

I also did a much better job with cable management. It's amazing how much the room temp affects case temps. Don't give up on the Cosmos!

Isn't the maximum temp for the q6600 like 71 deg C? Be careful...
OP, was the problem fixed with new fans?
Curious since im considering this case and cooling in 2nd only to quiet running...
i'd like to know also, did that fix it?
just got this case and i plan on replacing the fans also with some silverstone 20mm FM121 110cfm fans - hope that does the trick
I have this case; I've been using the stock fans and my q6600 @ 3GHz doesn't break 65. Good to know that replacing the fans will drop my temps even more though :p
replacing the fans does make a difference by a few C's..... but even with stock fans my Q6600 @ 3.2 didnt even go past mid 50's..... and thats with the Thermaltake SpinQ.... which isnt as good as the Xigmatek or TRUE, now its about 5C's cooler with some yate loons.