Independence Day: Resurgence: Like A High-Budget Porno, Minus Sex And Fun


Aug 20, 2006
You’d think that 20 years would have been enough time to come up with a decent script. I didn’t have a problem with the CG like this guy, but I did hate how uninspired and boring most of the story beats were. Even Will Smith and David Arnold couldn’t have saved it.

Many scenes include lousy green-screen staging, revealing cheap-looking real-life sets beneath minimally detailed CGI spaceships on both the human and alien sides. The main giant alien mothership, which pretty much covers half of the Earth, eventually transforms into a slightly more on-fire version of Lost's stupid smoke monster. It's hard to tell what exactly the thing is supposed to do. At one point, an indiscriminate Asian city is attacked in such a way that every building, car, and person starts floating up into the sky. The camera then cuts to Goldblum, who murmurs, "everything that goes up must come down," and then those buildings and cars start falling—but all of the humans are already on the ground, looking up and screaming about what's happening. Huh?
but all of the humans are already on the ground, looking up and screaming about what's happening. Huh?

Just like the first movie, with all the dummys on top of the tallest building holding up signs of welcome, and admiring the green laser that will vaporize them.
Spoiler alert........The humans lose to the aliens and ensures no more sequels.
Spoiler aler: first movie was terrible too

Eh. It was VERY dumb but it had some charm to it. It had a great cast that knew the type of movie they were in and just went for it. The effects still hold up decently, since almost everything was sets and models. It also had some heart to it. The first movie knew how to balance the destruction porn of disaster movies with character moments to let audiences care about the cast. The humor also never got in the way of serious moments. Pretty much everything Emmerich has done since ID4 has ignored basically everything that made the movie work.
True, but I think the only modeling done was the initial building explosion. The CGI in the original was mostly scanning photos and using them in scenes, like the use of the FA18, which surprisingly came out good.
Spoiler alert : Brent Spiner couldn't possibly play a worse of a roll in any movie . . .
Battle Los Angeles was much better

I was honestly surprised with how good that turned out, except for the extreme and unnecessary bravado at the end.

"No, no one help me with this incredibly crucial mission that if I should die would ensure the end of all humanity. You all get to safety!"
I'll watch it as it looks OK to me. But it is just a placeholder until ST Beyond comes out in a month
i saw it in imax and i liked it its hard doing a squeal after 20 years and they pretty much nailed it
movie is pretty boring. Too many unnecessary characters, many of them who serve no real purpose. I couldnt care about any of them. The plot holes are ridiculous, too.
i saw it in imax and i liked it its hard doing a squeal after 20 years and they pretty much nailed it

Errrrr.... This movie sucked... bigtime.
It sucked soooo much that I made a new account (Since my old one is in limbo) just to tell you that it sucked.
I was honestly surprised with how good that turned out, except for the extreme and unnecessary bravado at the end.

"No, no one help me with this incredibly crucial mission that if I should die would ensure the end of all humanity. You all get to safety!"
Gotta admit I rathee like Battle LA when its on tV. "we already had breakfast sir" ha, classic
movie is pretty boring. Too many unnecessary characters, many of them who serve no real purpose. I couldnt care about any of them. The plot holes are ridiculous, too.

This about sums it up for me. They could have made it pretty awesome but they went full stupid with the sequel.
Eh. It was VERY dumb but it had some charm to it. It had a great cast that knew the type of movie they were in and just went for it. The effects still hold up decently, since almost everything was sets and models. It also had some heart to it. The first movie knew how to balance the destruction porn of disaster movies with character moments to let audiences care about the cast. The humor also never got in the way of serious moments. Pretty much everything Emmerich has done since ID4 has ignored basically everything that made the movie work.

Agreed. It was like many movies, entertaining despite it's flaws.
Warning, spoilers:

My biggest disappointment was the battle scene as the ship was approaching earth. Earth spends 20 years building defenses yet is barely able to get off one shot from the single moon cannon, and not even a single shot from the massive satellite cannon network? It never answered the main question I had, which was just how well our tech in the movie would hold up in an actual space battle. The space battle was pretty much over before it began, and mostly via bad writing.