Inexpensive pre-built for my wife's surfing and e-mail


Aug 14, 2004
Title says it all.

I'm looking for a very basic, clean, machine for my wife to allow her to surf and send e-mail.

She uses rhapsody, firefox and outlook. That's pretty much it. She does listen to music and connects to my machine via a wireless connection to my modem with her current laptop (which sucks and is dying).

I'd think about just spending a few hundred on one of the e-machines from Best Buy, but they probably come pre-loaded with so much bloat that it makes my head hurt.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Dell =/= inexpensive.

Best off getting something from TD. They are always having wacky crap-tastic promotions.
Yeah I would say go with Dell as well for what you are wanting to use it for. What type of budget are you looking to stay around?