Infinity Ward Shows Off Steam Box Prototype

The APU that AMD is going to release that is similar to the chip they made for the PS4 should work nicely in something like this. I still think they should go with something with more of a HTPC look like a mITX version of the silverstone ML03B w/o the optical drive. Although I have to admit a companion cube steambox might change my mind.
No kidding. It (the SteamBox) will be a collosal failure if they release it at those price points... especially with that kind of underwhelming hardware. IMHO, in order for something like that to succeed, they're going to have to bring it closer to the $300-$400 price point and offer hardware that's competitive with 'next gen' systems (ps4 et al). Otherwise you're better off building an HTPC or sticking with consoles.

As much as I'd love for something like this to succeed, it just wont happen if they're expecting to get $900.00 for a dual core CPU and 2GB of ram

Most people cant build HTPCs why is that so hard for people here to understand? Steam box was never for US, its for the millions of console kiddies that need something already made and want to play with their friend who has build his own PC.
I want HL2-EP3 first lol

looks promising, I agree with rudy... people are lazy, they want things working out of the box, PC gaming doesnt work like that, you have to build your own PC most of the times.
These Piston based boxes aren't the "official" steambox, they are simply affiliates. Valve will have it's own in-house version as well, which I imagine will be pretty slick, I reckon those will be more along the lines of the Alienware x51 in size and power, maybe a bit smaller if they go for mobile components like apple does with it's desktops.

I literally lolled at the Infinity Ward Piston, these things use an AMD fusion APU, and there's no way they can play any modern shooter at TV resolutions with any kind of graphical fidelity, so I'm kind of curious what they doing with it.
Most people cant build HTPCs why is that so hard for people here to understand? Steam box was never for US, its for the millions of console kiddies that need something already made and want to play with their friend who has build his own PC.

At $900.00, it's certainly not for you're average (non-enthusiest) gamer either though. Especially when there are less expensive (and more powerful) options.

I'm completely interested in one of these things for the right price and I could build an HTPC if I wanted to. I honestly believe that these could appeal to a lot of current PC gamers with huge steam librarys... even more so than non-PC gamers IMHO.
These Piston based boxes aren't the "official" steambox, they are simply affiliates. Valve will have it's own in-house version as well, which I imagine will be pretty slick, I reckon those will be more along the lines of the Alienware x51 in size and power, maybe a bit smaller if they go for mobile components like apple does with it's desktops.

I literally lolled at the Infinity Ward Piston, these things use an AMD fusion APU, and there's no way they can play any modern shooter at TV resolutions with any kind of graphical fidelity, so I'm kind of curious what they doing with it.

Whats that extra enclosure at the bottom? Those don't seem to be on the standard boxes. Maybe some sort of add-on discreet GPU? That could actually be pretty slick... gives your 'console' an upgrade path... when the CPU gets old and tired, upgrade the main box.
These Piston based boxes aren't the "official" steambox, they are simply affiliates. Valve will have it's own in-house version as well, which I imagine will be pretty slick, I reckon those will be more along the lines of the Alienware x51 in size and power, maybe a bit smaller if they go for mobile components like apple does with it's desktops.

I literally lolled at the Infinity Ward Piston, these things use an AMD fusion APU, and there's no way they can play any modern shooter at TV resolutions with any kind of graphical fidelity, so I'm kind of curious what they doing with it.

Just because a TV is 1080P doesn't mean the game needs to render at 1080P.

At $900.00, it's certainly not for you're average (non-enthusiest) gamer either though. Especially when there are less expensive (and more powerful) options.

I'm completely interested in one of these things for the right price and I could build an HTPC if I wanted to. I honestly believe that these could appeal to a lot of current PC gamers with huge steam librarys... even more so than non-PC gamers IMHO.

The entry level unit for the xi3 is $499.

Whats that extra enclosure at the bottom? Those don't seem to be on the standard boxes. Maybe some sort of add-on discreet GPU? That could actually be pretty slick... gives your 'console' an upgrade path... when the CPU gets old and tired, upgrade the main box.

Harddrive addon.