Input lag only makes FPS gaming bad?


Jun 9, 2008
Well i am not much of a FPS mutiplayer player, i like to play single player games, especially RPG's, should i be worried about input lag?
It's really only a factor in games where twitch response and very quickly repeated keystrokes/clicks are important, I don't think RPGs fall into that category. Even at that a lot of people overstate the effect, up to 16ms shouldn't even be perceptible and 32ms is manageable unless you're really serious.

You can simulate mouse input lag and decide for yourself with this simple flash, if anybody knows of one that simulates keyboard input that would be nice too. And keep in mind if you're already on an LCD this will add to whatever delay your screen already has.
Today it is no problem to buy a monitor with a very low input-lag (BenQ G2400WD is one of them).
An average level of input lag shouldn't really be a problem for anything that's not very fast-moving, but I have heard that monitors with particularly high input lag (like the Dell 2408WFP original firmware) can make the mouse feel "floaty" in Windows to some users, which would be more of an issue.
Well i am not much of a FPS mutiplayer player, i like to play single player games, especially RPG's, should i be worried about input lag?
It's more important for multiplayer first person shooters (example Call of Duty) which the quickest person wins. Single player and especially RPG's; it won't be as important.
Input lag only makes FPS gaming bad?
Input lag does not change the FPS.
It changes how long the the image takes to get from your gfx card to the screen.
The speed the gfx card renders at remains the same.

ok I see what I did there, FPS = First Person Shooter :)
ignore the above.
The answer is "it depends'.

I recently had the chance to use my friend's Dell 2408 (a monitor I was VERY close to buying myself) and I noticed the input lag in freekin' Windows.

Low input-lag monitors aren't a problem these days. I use a BenQ V2400W and, beyond some ghosting in NHL 09, I don't see/feel anything. Note that I've yet to pla ya game like Counterstrike or so, but Gears of War, Halo 3, and FEAR feel fine.