Installed PS3 Folding client


[H]F Junkie
Sep 14, 2004
Joined team 33, havent ever bothered with any distributed computing programs like these before. Its a really really slick interface on the PS3.

Ill leave it on folding while im at work, interested to see some PS3 results.
I am running update right now. Lets see how this thing does. I will post some times or something later today hopefully Maybe some screenshots if someone wants them

I would like to see some screenshots. I want to see if money would be better spent on this or on a C2D. :)
updating now
downloading fah client 50 megs...slow...way slow
got P2552 Amber...says about 6 hours to complete and 399 NS/day



guess what it defauts to: PS3
updating now
downloading fah client 50 megs...slow...way slow
got P2552 Amber...says about 6 hours to complete and 399 NS/day



guess what it defauts to: PS3

Mine was about 5.5 hrs to complete when i left for work, not sure what info i should have written down to report as this is first time ive run F@H, ill check it out when i get home this evening.
updating now
downloading fah client 50 megs...slow...way slow
got P2552 Amber...says about 6 hours to complete and 399 NS/day



guess what it defauts to: PS3

thanks Zim :)
mine pulled a 2549 first is about 7h from being done is at 9.44% now




Here is the map globe thing people have been talking about. Pictures didn't turn out to well for this



Have the new WU's been updated in the database? I'd be interested in referencing them with their point values, and finding out how many PPD the PS3 gets.
How hot is the PS3 getting or is there no noticable difference, did it get any louder?
Have the new WU's been updated in the database? I'd be interested in referencing them with their point values, and finding out how many PPD the PS3 gets.

nope remember it is Stanford....guessing these ambers are like the others around 200
Oh sure wait till I get to work before remembering that there is a new firmware and F@H for the PS3....Oh well I guess I will have to make do with installing the SMP client on these 20 machines I just got in :)

Edit: Not like I won't install this the moment that I get home however :)
How hot is the PS3 getting or is there no noticable difference, did it get any louder?

Carl said not hotter than anything else, no more fan noise than before really (can't hear unless you stick your head in the back of it.) 215-220 Watts being pullled from the wall.
The client is installed and humming along.

WU: p3125_supervillin_e3
Core: SCEARD2 1.9.75282
213 NS/Day
0.0810S/Frame :eek:

I have not noticed any more heat/noise coming from the ps3

The only downfall is I have to run the program so if i want to play i have to exit it then play game then restart program. It is not a problem for me but my roommate might not understand

I'm downloading the 50mb F@H program right now for the PS3. It's all way too slick, I love it. I like the minimal "os" that's on the PS3 :)

The download was going extremely slow, so I'm at work now, in a few hours I'll get F@H up and running.

I have my PS3 inside a closed box (err, cabinet actually) and yes the fans start to spin up like mad when you are gaming after quite a few hours. I'm not worried though, although it felt hot, it didn't crash.
I thought there was to be an idle more, POS3 would fold while not being played but connected to the Internet.

zim might be right.... (cringe) ~ 800 PPD which ain't that bad....
It looks like one of the primary servers is having some issues and we are working on it. Right now, this isn't affecting assigns, but we've turned off stats updates and other critical services until we can get back up and going.

This is unrelated to the PS3 rollout as we've isolated the PS3 client on new servers just for those clients to keep the PS3 launch from affecting the rest of FAH (and vice versa).

Professor Vijay S. Pande, PhD
Director, Folding@Home Distributed Computing Project, and
Associate Professor of Chemistry and of Structural Biology, Stanford University
Are you the same man on the F@H forums themselves from Stanford?
If so, it's an honor to be on HardOCP with you.
Are you the same man on the F@H forums themselves from Stanford?
If so, it's an honor to be on HardOCP with you.

You must be new.... Marty is well... eh you will figure it out :p

Are you the same man on the F@H forums themselves from Stanford?
If so, it's an honor to be on HardOCP with you.

huh? I just did a copy/paste of VJ's post and it included VJ's sig (so folks know who it came from)

VJ said:
Actually, it looks like the whole building's net is down. We've alerted the networking group about this.
well it doesn't run while the ps3 is idle. You have to have the program running. I tested this by turning it off and letting it run for about 10 mins and no progress was achieved :(

I do not see any setting to change this in the ps3 settings or in the F@H PS3 client settings

Hopefully they change this later

^^^ Yeah, a Console version that uses idle CPU cycles and a Console that uses the GPU along with it would be nice. For now, I just want to see how many PPD it'll toss me. If it will do 2.5 wu/day this will be a nice folder. It sits idle 90% of the time. I only use it on the weekends to watch a movie or two.

The pic is ok...I should have turned the lights on and used my's too blurry to me. The TV is a 1080p. It was open box at Best Buy, and I got the warranty. A few days later, I found one dead pixel in the middle of the screen. It was stuck on blue. A week later, a truck showed up and two guys brought a new TV in and set it up for me I love Samsung and Best Buy's extended service plan. :)
so, how much faster it is compared to gpu/cpu folding? good bang for buck or just a nice feature to have?
It's not about the points or the amount of workunits.
The Cell in the PS3 from what I've read is about 30x faster than a typical computer.

It's a litttttle less powerful than GPU folding (which the stats themselves are skewed because it includes wimpier ATi cards as well)

But the ability of the GPU and PS3 are that they can do different, more complex, specific units (I think more linear units).

We still need SMP clients, we still need regular single cpu clients, and we still need GPUs and PS3 clients. They all have their part and I think (now I'm not basing this off anything I've read) that if the PS3 client is a big deal, we'll see some really cool things come out of the F@H project. It's just a massive amount of flops!

BTW: ive heard about 800 ppd for the PS3, don't quote me on that though. As more folks run the client, more information will be available obviously, so it's better to wait for someone who has actually run it. I'm still downloading it and I won't be able to look at it again until later on tonight.
The stats pages are currently down.. but from the early data, in terms of FLOPS (computational power), the PS3 is just behind the GPU (PS3 = ~35 machines-per-1TFLops --- GPU= ~17GPUs-per-1TFlops) - both are significantly more powerful than the CPU clients - but both Cell and GPU are vector processors so they're only good at certain types of calcs.. it'll be interesting to see how stanford points these.. :)
First off, to make this on topic...maybe someone should start a spreadsheet (I'm too lazy) to track the WU's and PPD of the PS3's.

And for Marty...

This thread needs some boobies.


(All images are public domain, and I'm hosting them from my Pro Photobucket account)

Click to enlarge

Wow! :eek:

I can't believe you just listened to marty like that! :rolleyes:

Please do not feed the troll.

(No offense marty ;) )

thanks to whomever for the DownThemAll FireFox plugin. boobies have been added to the pron drive :D
I thought there was to be an idle more, POS3 would fold while not being played but connected to the Internet.

zim might be right.... (cringe) ~ 800 PPD which ain't that bad....

Then again, he might not. I would expect a little higher PPD. ;)