installin windows on 285-e need sata drivers no floppy disk


[H]F Junkie
Jul 26, 2005
I'm installing windows xp tablet on my gateway 285-E. It needs sata drivers but, I don't have a floppy drive. I have a usb harddrive but, not a usb floppy drive. I know there's a way to build sata drivers into a windows image but, I have no clue how. Could someone give me any advise here?
On some notebooks you can go in and set the sata controller to ide mode and load it that way.

You can go through and slipstream drivers into the disk but I would just spend the 30 bucks on a usb floppy drive. Hell you can find one for less if you look around. They are good to have.
Google "Slipstreaming SATA drivers into XP" and you should find a ton of links on that.
Thanks pxc. I did google around but, it's very confusing. If you want me to configure port channel groups on a cisco 7200 , do video conversion, or even fix an emulator I'm all set but, anything that involves editing registry stuff I'm clueless. I fear the $ symbol. I guess everybody has a weakness.
Nothing else. Just do what pxc and I suggested and you should be set. All you need a TabletXP Install CD and you're good to go. Slipstreaming is pretty much the same with all versions of XP.
Nothing else. Just do what pxc and I suggested and you should be set. All you need a TabletXP Install CD and you're good to go. Slipstreaming is pretty much the same with all versions of XP.

Yep. Tablet pc with just windows xp pro with some addons. Same as media center is xp pro with some addons and some small changes. Slipstreaming works the same.
You use Nlite. I just did it today with an HP DV6500T.

Read my web site for info on how to do it. Of coarse, this is for an HP, but you'll get the idea.

Nlite web site is here.

You copy the XP CD to a folder on your drive, copy Sata Drivers to another folder. Then you merge them together in Nlite. The Sata Files will say something like IAACH.INF. There's like 5 files and an oem text file.
I got sp2 slipstreamed into the intall but, it's still not detecting the drive. I can try slipstreaming the intel drivers but, I can't get them to install on the desktop machine. I went to gateway and downloaded the intel drivers there but, they require a floppy disk drive. ho hum.
Don't give up yet. I got the Sata drivers from the Intel site, not HP. It should be the same for you.

Your laptop runs an Intel T2500 processor. I went on the Intel site and looked it up.
The chipsets that have the GM in them are for integrated graphics. You want the one that says PM at the bottom of the screen.
Download the Intel Matrix Storage Manager. It's an EXE that has to be run on your current laptop. The files will end up in
<bootdrive>\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager
Get the folder called Driver out of there and copy it to the machine with Nlite. Now you can slipstream the files in the Driver folder. You probably have the ICH7 Sata controller, Nlite will display all of them and let you pick one. Make the ISO with Nlite and you should be able to boot the machine, repartition drives, and install XP. Download the Intel Chipset Software (middle Column). You install that after XP is up by running the EXE on the laptop. The only other driver from Intel is for the wireless. Then you would install the graphics driver you get from Gateway. Then you go looking for all the other drivers on the Gateway site for audio, touchpad, ethernet, and so on.