Installing Gentoo.....


Supreme [H]ardness
May 6, 2002
I haven't done Linux in about 3 years, so gimme a break, my memory has faded considerably. I downloaded Gentoo Linux 1.4 off, the first and second CD, and the install disk. Now; when I try to boot off the CD, it does the "LiveCD" shit, in which you can run Linux right off the CD. I want to install it to my hard drive here, I want to get Gentoo up and running! I fiddle around a bit, look at the help file, and discover that there are three stages of installs: Stage1, Stage2, and Stage3. The lower the stage, the more customizable the OS is and more you have to install/patch, and the higher the stage, the more ready-to-go it is.

Alas; searching did not help me, all my previously known Linux commands have escaped me, and I got frustrated and restarted into WinXP.

Please, no noob bashing here, but how do I just install the damn thing? I tried booting off both the install disk and CD1. Thanks....
i don't remember where on the disk it is, but the guide is also on CD1. i think it's /mnt/cdrom/install.html but i'm not sure. "links" will of course work for you too (links is a text web browser. if that fails, use lynx - i can't remember which the gentoo devs put onto 1.4 final)
basically, read through the install guide and you'll be rpetty well off. try as well
read read read carefully carefully carefully!

installing gentoo is probably the hardest thing i've ever installed onto a computer. read carefully and you'll be alright.

here are some notes from an install i did 4 days ago:

compile time: ~2.5 days.

time to compile kde 3.2: ~ 1.5 days

also, check
that's the bulletin board for all gentoo stuffs.

it can be a real bitch, but when you get gentoo up and running, it is REALLY nice to work with.
1.5 days for kde? hot damn. kdebase (the only kde part i even bother to compile) takes me about 2 hours to build (which includes arts and kdelibs as dependencies)
That is exactly why I don't touch KDE. I won't even touch KDE on my dual Opteron. The compile time really stems from the fact that the g++ compiler just isn't very fast at compiling C++ as opposed to gcc, which is much quicker doing the comparable C code.

This is also why takes forever to compile...
Originally posted by piller1999
read read read carefully carefully carefully!

installing gentoo is probably the hardest thing i've ever installed onto a computer. read carefully and you'll be alright.

here are some notes from an install i did 4 days ago:

compile time: ~2.5 days.

time to compile kde 3.2: ~ 1.5 days

also, check
that's the bulletin board for all gentoo stuffs.

it can be a real bitch, but when you get gentoo up and running, it is REALLY nice to work with.

2.5 Days!?

You need to OC that rig!!! 2 weeks ago I did a fresh install on the rig in my sig at those settings. Took about 8 hours including X, fluxbox, and dillo. Then another 4 or 5(not sure I started it and went to bed) for firebird, thunderbird, xmms, xine, and xcdroast.
Originally posted by NewBlackDak
2.5 Days!?

You need to OC that rig!!! 2 weeks ago I did a fresh install on the rig in my sig at those settings. Took about 8 hours including X, fluxbox, and dillo. Then another 4 or 5(not sure I started it and went to bed) for firebird, thunderbird, xmms, xine, and xcdroast.

Oh man, it took me FOREVER, too. Long long time to get everything all compiled.
Ditto.... From a stage 1 for me it took about 2 days. Of course, some of it was set to run overnight. I don't know how long it will take me now, since I don't use KDE anymore, but XFCE4. It seems to compile alot faster. I didn't really like fluxbox. I don't know why, but I just couldn't get into it.
Originally posted by piller1999
read read read carefully carefully carefully!

installing gentoo is probably the hardest thing i've ever installed onto a computer. read carefully and you'll be alright.

here are some notes from an install i did 4 days ago:

compile time: ~2.5 days.

time to compile kde 3.2: ~ 1.5 days

also, check
that's the bulletin board for all gentoo stuffs.

it can be a real bitch, but when you get gentoo up and running, it is REALLY nice to work with.
Please tell me that wasn't on your rig in your sig.

I got the base packages compiled in like 6 hours on a 1.4 ghz AMD proc.
oh dear god no i didnt install gentoo in my rig in my sig. i would have thrown a fit if it took that long. i had an old craptastic computer lying around, decided it could be useful again.