INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat

you don't need HL2 or any other game. All you need is Source SDK Base Orange Box, downloaded from the Tools tab in Steam.
Insurgency is awesome...

check out some screens (some with mods and without) :







It's a lot of fun if you've got the wherewithal to play it. I see a lot of people playing it and getting utterly ruined because they approach it like CS or something. It's a bit harder, but I like that because it's more rewarding when you mangle dozens of their team-mates in one run.
MP. It is fun, but the learning curve is almost vertical.

I like it because it has ironsights and everyone else is worse than me.
did they fix that crap where you couldn't strafe while leaning? that retarded "feature" alone is what made me quit playing.
MP. It is fun, but the learning curve is almost vertical.

I like it because it has ironsights and everyone else is worse than me.

haha a lot of your posts hit the nail on the head. this is indeed a crucial element in making an MP game fun.
It's fun. It gets a bit boring after a while. I downloaded it back when those mods were released with big backing by Valve/Steam (along with Zombie Panic Source, Synergy, Age of Chivalry, etc.) but I pretty much stopped playing by now.
Me too. I liked Age of Chivalry as well. That and Insurgency were pretty much all I was playing until Fallout 3 and Left4Dead came out.

did they fix that crap where you couldn't strafe while leaning? that retarded "feature" alone is what made me quit playing.

No idea. I find the best way is to play aggressively anyway, so I rarely lean. More effective to sprint around the place and then bring ironsights up just as you reach a corner and walk around, then either rape faces or start sprinting again.
Sprinting around in INS is suicide. Not sure if you were playing vs bots or what....but you can't sprint around in INS at all.
Sprinting around in INS is suicide. Not sure if you were playing vs bots or what....but you can't sprint around in INS at all.

Well, I guess that compounds my point about generally being better than other people. I certainly can, and often come up with a 40-9 KDR to show for it.

Really though, you can sprint, and it's the most effective way to play. If you get a head start at the beginning of the map you can basically roll the enemy team about like a cat with a brutalised mouse.
Is this like a modern version of Desert Combat? Is voice chat required and/or are there non-voice servers?
Does this mod still have a reasonable following? I stopped playing about 6 months ago because of COD 4 and other games, but I might go back if it still has a decent following.
My friend got kicked for a server because everyone was going to A base and he was going to D and trying to get others to go:rolleyes:
Does this mod still have a reasonable following? I stopped playing about 6 months ago because of COD 4 and other games, but I might go back if it still has a decent following.

Seems so. I never had much trouble getting a server.
Never any trouble here as well...

Oh and by the way, Beta 3 is right around the corner I hear so jump on the servers!

Some of the new content sounds so nice!