Integrated sound and equalization


Mar 10, 2004
As the title suggests, I have a PC with sound integrated with the Mobo (Asus P4S800D). I use two desktop speakers with a sub-woofer, and it sounds fine. Problem is I just moved into a new place with a roommate, where I was living alone. So, now I have to turn it down some, fine. But, to get it so the bass doesn't rumble through the place, I have to turn it down so low I can barely hear the other sounds (not bass sound).

I've tried to adjust the bass and treble controls (under advanced in the windows volume control panel....Win XP Pro), but the control sliders were greyed out. Am I going to have to get a sound card, just to be able to turn my bass down? I don't want to replace the speakers with a set without a sub-woof, because I really like the strong bass. I just need a way to tweak it some. Is there some way I can enable those bass and treble controls in windows?

I havn't found a way to enable those controls myself but is there not a control to adjust the Sub Woofer volume on your speaker set? Many have one, check into that.
Nice try...but nope :( No sub woof volume control, just on/off and volume.
Depending on what you're listening to, I'd suggest using winamp and the software EQ that comes with it. I'm not real big on the winamp video, but as far as music is concerned it's the only thing I use.

Call me old fashined, but I hate media player and all of the foofy crap that comes with it. I can organize my music very nicely using windows explorer, thank you very much...
Depending on what you're listening to, I'd suggest using winamp and the software EQ that comes with it. I'm not real big on the winamp video, but as far as music is concerned it's the only thing I use.

I don't listen to music much on my PC, my sound is mostly from gaming. I would just use headphones, but then I can't hear anything else.
here's another spit-and baler twine type solution... Have someone built you a preamp with a switchable highpass filter, crossed at around 200Hz. 2 RC stages would give you a 6dB/octave rolloff, putting your explosions and whatnot at 50Hz down by about 12-15dB. Depending on what components you wanted to use, you could do it for about $10-20 US.