intel baseline profile question


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 7, 2017
If I apply a BIOS upgrade that adds this, can I still use whatever MCE options the board came with? My i7-14700K runs fine with the Asus MCE settings (all-core 5.5GHz), and I don't want to cut the performance. (The newest bios for my board doesn't mention this.)
probably. i think they are just setting it so they default to intels spec but you can turn theirs back on. i could be wrong though....
probably should turn down the limits to be safer anyway i have a friend RMAing their 14700k at this moment for the same issue as seen with the I9s they have only had the cpu for 8 months
I put the next most recent bios (3202,I think? The one before they added the Intel baseline profile) a couple of weeks back and now I'm seeing crashes while playing Diablo 4, and the occasional youtube tab crashes. I set 253W pl1 and pl2 limits. Haven't touched the current limit yet because I couldn't find a an page with recommendations. It doesn't seem to have helped, though. I am considering going back a revision.