Intel e6600 @ 2.4 (stock) idles at 41C... is this normal?

Aug 1, 2008
Before today my Core2Duo e6600 was idling at 44C until today I decided to clean off the old thermal paste and reapply a new line down the center of the chip. So I reapplied the paste and I am now idling cooler at 41C but it still seems a little high. Does anybody know if this is normal? Thanks. :)
That does seem a little warm, but what's the ambient temperature? I mean if it's hot near your computer, a heatsink can only do so much, obeying the laws of thermodynamics or whatever.
mine is about the same and the computer is in a hot spot, nothing I can do about it. just make sure cables are kept away from air entry/exit points. and if you can either move that computer or get good air circulation around the case.
Yah, ambient is the real problem with mine. It idles around 45-50C @ 3.0GHZ. I can't bring it down at all though due to it being a bit warm in apartment + poor case airflow.

Eventually I need to do sometime about the airflow, but sadly I don't have any place where I could actually work to modify my case.
Our indoor thermostat says that it is 73 degrees inside. I want to OC it but I'm afraid it will get too hot if I do...
I have my e6300 OC'd to 2.53 with a Xigmatek HDT-S1283 and it idles at 45C. That is with ambient temp of about 75-85F
a) With what/how are you getting that temp measurement ?
b) Do you have the fanmate controller and if so how is it set ?
c) If the fan is plugged directly into the motherboard do you have speedstep/EIST and C1E enabled in the bios ?

Yes with a 73F ambient temp that is way to warm in my experience. However a lot of us have fans that run full speed all the time and so idle temps are low. But many a C2D I start up from cold boot takes the fan 10 to 15 seconds to even come on and start spinning at stock settings so something seems wrong. Triple check nothing is getting in the way with the heatsink sitting flat onto the cpu. I suspect your mother board is keeping the fan speed low. That is not a bad thing, its nice and quiet and should rev up as you put a load on the machine. Use coretemp and orthos and tell us your idle and load temps with that.
I get my temps from Everest Ultimate and SpeedFan. The fan speed controller is manually set to 100% fan speed through the dial and the fan itself is connected to the cpu_fan pins on the motherboard. I haven't changed any settings in the bios for the fan... could that be part of the problem? Excuse my ignorance but I am a newbie when it comes to temps and overclocking.

At full load after running ORTHOS for 15 minutes, CoreTemp and SpeedFan show temps for both cores fluctuating 52C to 53C with the side case door off. I put my case door on and my temps rose to 56C and kept rising to 58C after 20 minutes at full load with ORTHOS (5 minutes with the case door on). Ambient temp is now, at most, 70F with windows open at 10PM right now.

The way that this heatsink locks onto the motherboard, I am assuming that it is perfectly level. There is no accurate way for me to check without removing my motherboard from the case, but it looks fine if I just peek in the case.
Yea, that E6600 is running a bit hot under idle. I have a stock HSF and mine idles at 31C with AS5. When I overclock, I am at ~58C. If your overclocked, make sure you have speedstep enabled so your cpu doesnt run at max all the time. But not when ur tryin to stability test with prime or orthos. Also ambient temperature around the case is important. Make sure it is in a open space not like a closed cabinet door. Try adding a 120mm fan to the case if you can. I wouldnt worry about the temperature that much if you're at stock speed, but if your overclocking or at max cpu load and the temps reach ~60C, I would start to worry.
I'm confused about why my e6600 runs so hot. Could too much thermal paste be to blame or should I be using a different application method? Mabe it is my HSF, which doesn't seem to fully touch over the whole surface of my CPU. I also use Arctic Silver 5.
What do you mean by too much? I use AS5 and spread it out evenly over the cpu. Try not to use too much. Also what about the gap? How big? I see that you're using a zalman hsf, it should have come with mounting brackets and other goodies. Follow the instructions. Maybe its not screwed in all the way?:rolleyes:
At full load after running ORTHOS for 15 minutes, CoreTemp and SpeedFan show temps for both cores fluctuating 52C to 53C with the side case door off. I put my case door on and my temps rose to 56C and kept rising to 58C after 20 minutes at full load with ORTHOS (5 minutes with the case door on). Ambient temp is now, at most, 70F with windows open at 10PM right now.

Load temps are not bad, that tells me you do not really have any heatsink mounting issues and its cooling decently. Your chip just runs warm at idle apparently. Probably not a lot you can do about it.

Still worried your fan is not at full speed but you will figure it out.