Intel E6850 $49.99 Fry's B&M YMMV


Limp Gawd
Jul 8, 2007
Fry's Las Vegas has Intel E6850's listed for $49.99 since they've been discontinued. Don't shoot me if you don't have a Fry's or yours is sold out.

Might be worth a look. Las Vegas Fry's is sold out now however had several in stock this morning.

Good luck.
oh man i wish you never this :( unless someone buys it for me and ships it for me :D
hmmm, going to have to hit up the Fry's by my work in Houston and see if they are running the same clearance. That would be a nice upgrade from my E6300 :)
Goddamn it I friggin' hate Fry's (and Microcenter for good measure). :mad:

<Fry's> Here's another epic, never before seen, hardware deal that can't be matched by anyone else.

<Everyone> YAY~~!

<Fry's> LOL, forgot all you schmucks not living in California are shit outta luck. Sorry. LOL!

<Everyone_Not_Living_On_The_West_Coast> .....

Seriously, there should be an embargo against Fry's until they open up stores for the rest of us pleibians. :mad:
Goddamn it I friggin' hate Fry's (and Microcenter for good measure). :mad:

<Fry's> Here's another epic, never before seen, hardware deal that can't be matched by anyone else.

<Everyone> YAY~~!

<Fry's> LOL, forgot all you schmucks not living in California are shit outta luck. Sorry. LOL!

<Everyone_Not_Living_On_The_West_Coast> .....

Seriously, there should be an embargo against Fry's until they open up stores for the rest of us pleibians. :mad:
Oh, what I wouldn't give to see a Chik-fil-A here in California...
There is a Chik-Fil-A in Ontario...

I was raised eating at that damned restaurant I swear, and now that I'm in Vegas I doubt they will ever move into this state considering the whole "Sin City" thing and the owners of the company being devout religious zealots (their company policy is they're closed on Sundays basically for workers to... well, you figure it out).

But geez I miss those sandwiches, and the nuggets, and the Icedreams, and the sweet iced tea... :)

Anyway, Fry's here in Vegas had those particular CPUs a few weeks ago for $50, and they were sold out then and I kicked myself for it. Guess they got a few more and they sold 'em out again. It wouldn't surprise me if they've actually been sold out all this time and just never pulled that card from the case which leads to...

What irritates the hell outta me here is when they're sold out of something like those CPUs and they leave the freakin' price tag (those big red or yellow cards) in the case with the CPU price listings... dammit if you don't have any more take the fuckin' card outta the case so I don't have to look stupid trying to buy something you don't even have anymore.

ARRRGGGHHHH I swear that's a major pet peeve of mine, and what with the boneheads in the Components dept here in Vegas... ugh.
I was raised eating at that damned restaurant I swear, and now that I'm in Vegas I doubt they will ever move into this state considering the whole "Sin City" thing and the owners of the company being devout religious zealots (their company policy is they're closed on Sundays basically for workers to... well, you figure it out).


Well, if they are "true" devout religious believers they'll do just that; They'll open dozens across all of Vegas just to convert the sinners. So, you're in luck. :D

Btw, killer price, just wish a Fry's was near me.
There is a fry's, chickfila and microcenter all withing 10 minutes of my house, oh yeah there is also a directron close by too :)

But all the good deals are hard to resist....
Ugh, too lazy to head there for this. Would be awesome for someone considering a new chip for any new build. Overclocks well, 65nm overclocks are more stable, better than a e7X and e5X.. and shit, it's $50.
Anyone know if they have any in the chicago area? I have an older mobo that takes the 6850 but not newer procs. Would be worth the drive if they have one/some.
If I get time I'm going to check the Irving Fry's, but I never find the clearance deals from the two Fry's I go to (Plano and Irving).
i wonder if i'll see any difference with these chip compare to what i have E6600, anyone knows i'll really appreciate it. but then again for 50 bux i think it's worth it.
Guess I know where I'm going after my class ends today :)
nothing in houston.

Thanks... saves me from wasting time calling the one on 45. Already checked Sugarland and Webster with no luck :(

Oh well, guess it saves me from spending $50 that was being saved for a Norco 4020 case...
Living in the Ozarks is awesome and cheap, but I miss Fry's and my 8mb cable connection terribly. The ISP's around here do not even know what Newsgroups are, ugh. Well, great score if you all find it...
Had a friend in Vegas call Fry's. They quoted him 139?
Don't be shocked if you get the "never, ever, ever, ever call" crap from some people here. Just wished I had a damn Fry's anywhere near here *sniff*.
I'm glad John found this, saving me a trip to Las Vegas Blvd.

And PS, The In'n'Out family is extremely religious too, and they're still in Vegas.
There is a fry's, chickfila and microcenter all withing 10 minutes of my house, oh yeah there is also a directron close by too :)

But all the good deals are hard to resist....

I've got 3 Fry's within 15 minutes of each other here. There's another one about 45 minutes away in Arlington.
Also have a Micro Center. down the street.
Oh, and the closest Chic-fi-la is a block away from Fry's.
To all those sad about not being near a Frys -

Its more of a curse than a blessing. Im always broke :(
Checked at the Fry's in Plano, TX, and they don't have any.

*Falls to knees, arms raised high*


*Subtitled: DO NOT WANT*

Darn. That would have worked out great for an extra machine.
It's funny that Fry's isn't in California. When I was a kid, Fry's was a grocery store chain in California.... at least in Los Gatos. I'm assuming it's the same company.
It's funny that Fry's isn't in California. When I was a kid, Fry's was a grocery store chain in California.... at least in Los Gatos. I'm assuming it's the same company.

Huh? There are a lot of Fry's stores (the electronics store) here in CA.

Oh Fry's the grocery store and Fry's the electronic store are only similar in the fact that they share the same founders. They're completely separate companies.
It's sold out in all Northern California stores according to an inside source at fry's, :eek: