Intel E6850 $49.99 Fry's B&M YMMV

Bought the last 14 in Burbank. Craigslist here I come!
Bought the last 14 in Burbank. Craigslist here I come!

With all the people in this thread hoping for one and missing out, I'd think you'd be sending PMs to each one of 'em (I got a quad now, so no need) to see who might be interested for a little profit... :)
Last 14 in burbank? How much profit can your really make from these? While sites do sell the e6850 for $150 still, the e7400 sells for $99. I can't see a person choosing an e6850 over an E7400.
Last 14 in burbank? How much profit can your really make from these? While sites do sell the e6850 for $150 still, the e7400 sells for $99. I can't see a person choosing an e6850 over an E7400.

e6850 typically goes for about $120 shipped on Ebay, same as the e7400. Most people don't have access to the $99 Microcenter price, and the 6850 has more cache and high FSB, plus higher stock speed, so it's not a bad way to go, especially for non-OCer.
Last 14 in burbank? How much profit can your really make from these? While sites do sell the e6850 for $150 still, the e7400 sells for $99. I can't see a person choosing an e6850 over an E7400.

E7400 = no vt, e6850 = vt.

There is no comparison :)
He hasn't said he'd be selling 'em here yet... maybe he'll offer a few of you a decent price. Nothing wrong with a little profit as long as he doesn't get all mack-Daddy-greedy and shit. :D
this is a no brainer if you live near a Fry's that has stock on this, I'd pick up at least 10 if I lived near such a Fry's, they would go quick here for $80-$100 a pop...
Frys in Renton Wa is sold out. Dude said he had like 3 a couple days ago and some kid bought them all.