Intel in grave danger!


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 3, 2003
From the guy who declared Sciencemark the most important benchmark in all computing:

Sharikou said:
AMD and ATI merger may be a killer enterprise

Since Intel is out there trying to kill AMD, AMD's only way out is killing Intel. You are either quicker or dead, dead or alive.

Once AMD and ATI are merged, AMD can do a lot of interesting things in the GPU market

0) Use Z-RAM for graphics memory
1) Optimize ATI chips for HyperTransport (Torrenza)--You don't need GDDR3 anymore, just DDR2 via ccHT
2) Cripple ATI chips for FSB based technologies but keep them competieve against Nvidia ones
3) Charge lower price for Torrenza version which is higher performance and lower cost
4) Deny Intel licenses to ATI technology
5) Embed GPU functionality into the CPU, making GPU running at 2.8GHZ
6) Enable high end graphics on every AMD PC
7) Merge with Nvida too
8) Deny high end GPU to Intel market completely
9) Finish off Intel like the allies finished off the 3rd reich.

No one in the IT industry likes Intel. Nvidia certainly doesn't like Intel. Even the game developers hate Intel for pushing those crap Intel Extreme graphics to the market. With AMD+ATI tie up, I think it's just natural to make one step further and merge AMD+ATI+Nvidia. After that, all high end GPU chips will be either embedded or on Torrenza. Intel can enjoy 100% market share for GPU solutions for Intel platforms and become a monopoly of Intel graphics solutions. That will be happy ending for everyone.

More can be found here.

Oh, he also thinks that AMD's 4x4 will produce the equivalent of a 4.8 GHz Conroe, and that Dell will eventually go 100% AMD.
On another board I go to, Sharikou, "PhD" was compared to Dr. Nick Riveria. The guy is a total clown. He's funny if you like to laugh at stupid people.
plus he ignores the fact that if AMD aquired nVidia, that would be monopolistic and there's no way congress would let it go through
Lich said:
plus he ignores the fact that if AMD aquired nVidia, that would be monopolistic and there's no way congress would let it go through
I don't think that's a problem.

The cost to acquire nvidia would be a lot more than $5.5 billion. ATI was the relative bargain.
Lich said:
plus he ignores the fact that if AMD aquired nVidia, that would be monopolistic and there's no way congress would let it go through
Since Intel has their own graphics line (which accounts for over 50% of the total market share in the GPU industry), I hardly see how AMD acquiring ATI and Nvidia would be monopolistic.
That's a joke, isn't it? Seriously.

The guys reasoning is too far fetched and holds no merit.

Intel is in no trouble, and AMD still needs to innovate to keep market share.
i fear for AMD if this is true....

if they buy ATI, how much will they be able to endure during the next year while intel is constantly destroying them with Conroe?

this just cant be good, even if embedded graphics gives AMD a slight edge in gfx performance, its not like it would matter much to most of the market.....

*sigh* the beginning of the end of AMDs contention I think
Its unlikely Dell would stop selling intel cpus. With Core Duo and Conroe(core 2) which are cheaper to make would mean dell could buy them cheaper. That is a big buisness oppurtunity. Also, with the performance of Conroe Its unlikely that Dell wouldnt want to have access to the best.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
ooo look! pigs are flying

and hell is getting pretty chilly.

If someone thinks that AMD can bring down a large company such as Intel by buying ATi is seriously messed up in the head.

Not to mention, once AMD starts optimizing ATi's products for AMD chips, wouldn't nVidia and Intel start doing the same? Why would nVidia want to sell products for a company that is sleeping with their competitor?
rayman2k2 said:
Why would nVidia want to sell products for a company that is sleeping with their competitor?

To show that their competitor still can't produce a quality product even with the help of a company that has enough moolah to buy them out?

I'd do it. But then again I'm also the type of person to go about and let someone figure out how much they lost by going against me. It's amazing how quick people who did something to instill hate into you, how much they want to befriend you when they realize the mistake they made by pissing you off.
Nothing will change if it happens. ATI would not shut down support of 75% of the world's cpus maker. Might as well start filing for bankruptsy. :eek:
not to mention the fact that Intel's new graphics are supposed to be actually competitive and there has been word that Intel will try to work its way back into the discrete graphics market.
LstOfTheBrunnenG said:
From the guy who declared Sciencemark the most important benchmark in all computing:

Oh, he also thinks that AMD's 4x4 will produce the equivalent of a 4.8 GHz Conroe, and that Dell will eventually go 100% AMD.

Funniest line of them all.

Sharikou said:
I declare Intel clinically dead in 5 qaurters instead of the previous 7 I projected.

I declare Dell's very sweetheart deals with Intel Dead, hince the willingness to sell some AMD processors. Damned sure not selling them because they think they are the best LOL! Maybe this guy should change his name to Sha-Koo-Koo;)
Duke3d87 said:
not to mention the fact that Intel's new graphics are supposed to be actually competitive and there has been word that Intel will try to work its way back into the discrete graphics market.
Yeah. I'm sure that just as the good doc says, the entire IT industry and every game developer out there hates Intel for making availible affordable, workable graphics that come with your motherboard.
Putting aside the fact that AMD will never run Intel out of business (and Intel will likely never run AMD out of business) if one of them was run out of business it would be a disaster for consumers. We'd have one company making processors and there would be no need to make prices competitive. I can't see how anyone thinks could be a good thing.
Can someone give me the rolleyes smiley both at the quited source for writing it and at the quoter for duplicating it with the sole intention to boost his ego.

Kentsfield will be a 65nm part that's intended for either the 975X or the P65 Express chipsets. This means that it'll be paired with DDR2-667 at best. Clovertown will be better off in the memory bandwidth department, being paired with FB-DIMMs via the Blackford server chipset

Happens to the best of us. See, at its best it would be paired with PC-6400/DDR2 800 that both of these chipsets now support a total 12.8GB of RAM bandwidth and 8.4GB of Processor Bandwidth. Thank goodness for XS and real info.
GVX said:
Since Intel has their own graphics line (which accounts for over 50% of the total market share in the GPU industry), I hardly see how AMD acquiring ATI and Nvidia would be monopolistic.
Very true, but we all know that when looking at non-onboard video, there's only 2 places to go: nVidia and ATI. Eliminating them both I don't think would pan out well for buyers, but who knows. Plus, as was mentioned, nVidia will cost a crap lot more than ATI will.
rayman2k2 said:
Not to mention, once AMD starts optimizing ATi's products for AMD chips, wouldn't nVidia and Intel start doing the same? Why would nVidia want to sell products for a company that is sleeping with their competitor?

Wrong. You should have said "Why would nVidia want to sell products for their competitor ?"

By buying ATI , AMD becomes nVidias biggest competitor.ATI will be just a trademark , sorta like 3dfx.
Hmm... even if AMD/ATI/nVidia merged for the sole purpose of "killing off" Intel, got this feeling that Intel would be able to make hi-end and mid-range graphics processors that would murder any competition if they had to.
jon67 said: got this feeling that Intel would be able to make hi-end and mid-range graphics processors that would murder any competition if they had to.
LMAO! That's pretty damn funny.

And I'm sure Toyota could make an intergalactic space ship if they HAD TO. :p
§kynet said:
And I'm sure Toyota could make an intergalactic space ship if they HAD TO. :p
Not the best comparison there, as I think that they might just have the money to do that if they really wanted to. Watching the X-Prize competition has shown us that getting into space can be done cheaply...

The "Intergalactic" part is out of the realm of possibility even for NASA...well, if you want to do it within a single human lifetime that is.

Back on topic: Intel has the recourses to throw a fleet of engineers at the problem, so if they really wanted to make a high end gaming GPU, they could probably pull something out in a relatively short span of time.
§kynet said:
LMAO! That's pretty damn funny.

And I'm sure Toyota could make an intergalactic space ship if they HAD TO. :p

I don't think you really understand the financial strength and manpower of Intel. Intel has far more financial power and manpower than AMD, ATI and NVIDIA put together. If Intel really needed to, they can make better GPUs than Nvidia and Ati, simply because they have the resources to do so.
cupholder2.0 said:
I don't think you really understand the financial strength and manpower of Intel. Intel has far more financial power and manpower than AMD, ATI and NVIDIA put together. If Intel really needed to, they can make better GPUs than Nvidia and Ati, simply because they have the resources to do so.

Not so easily. If that were true they would have been able to thwart A64's success for two years running. IMHO i think nVIDA and Intel merge (rather Intel buys nVIDA). I would also look for someone to eventually buy out SIS and VIA.
§kynet said:
LMAO! That's pretty damn funny.

And I'm sure Toyota could make an intergalactic space ship if they HAD TO. :p

Tsk..tsk...Tweedledee si Tweedledum disagree

and these :

Said birds said that Intel is about to get back into the gaming GPU market. No word on specs yet, and it is early in the program, but I would think by this time next year you should see official progress.

AMD and ATI combine, AMD buys out one of the largest GPU companies in the world. Market shares double when compineing is complete. Matches invidia, matches intel. Outch... AMD got a whole lot bigger, has more fabs, has 7 billion dollors. Has 15,000 ppl now. They pretty much doubled everything in one shot. lol They never lost anything just gained a whole lot of bad assness. Long term effects have AMD at 2 times the money 2 times the market 2 times the yealds. ATi everything, Ati benitits ati secrets. More transisters. Half the GPU line. Half the Chipset line. You do the math... wow good move for AMD. :D

This puts a new meaning into the word screwed. Intel shouldn't have gave Dell to AMD. Intel shouldn't have screwed ATi. No more ATi chipsets for intel now. No SLI support? What is intel doing begging AMD to kill them?

Look at that... How evil they are with their evil thoughts and evil ways with their evil devilish grins thinking of unspeakable things... OMG its all over. XDD :p

Intel aready lost 57% of its market... do you think it will stop now that this has happened? No! Looks like the gient is falling. AMD is a company to take seriously. They are the ones who beat intel for the past 3 years. Doesn't matter how small AMD was. AMD now has better gpu lines and chipset lines and features. Just gotten bigger and has more money. Its going to take more then just performance to beat AMD now with conroe. :( AMD's price cuts really set the bar. No difference now. Whats intel going to do now? :confused: They have no more aces. AMD just got amillion of them. AMD is reborn. ATi, Dell, HP, Sun and so on are all part of AMD as one. Its not just AMD that intel has to worrie about its what they can do with all their companies combine that make them stronger.
Serge84 said:

AMD and ATI combine, AMD buys out one of the largest GPU companies in the world. Market shares double when compineing is complete. Matches invidia, matches intel. Outch... AMD got a whole lot bigger, has more fabs, has 7 billion dollors. Has 15,000 ppl now. They pretty much doubled everything in one shot. lol They never lost anything just gained a whole lot of bad assness. Long term effects have AMD at 2 times the money 2 times the market 2 times the yealds. ATi everything, Ati benitits ati secrets. More transisters. Half the GPU line. Half the Chipset line. You do the math... wow good move for AMD. :D

This puts a new meaning into the word screwed. Intel shouldn't have gave Dell to AMD. Intel shouldn't have screwed ATi. No more ATi chipsets for intel now. No SLI support? What is intel doing begging AMD to kill them?

Look at that... How evil they are with their evil thoughts and evil ways with their evil devilish grins thinking of unspeakable things... OMG its all over. XDD :p

Man you are so clueless that it hurts.

ATI is fabless and uses a third party to FAB its GPUs.It also employ a fairly small number of people ( 3400 ) and had revenues of $2.2 billion in FY2005.ATI is 25% of AMD employee-wise and 40% revenue-wise.

And for Gods sake , learn E.
OP The merger does not mean a whole lot because ATI has never been a platform company. They can try to switch, but it may take time allowing intel to keep pulling ahead. Dell will NEVER go with AMD solely because Intel are the ones that have helped keep them going over the years. About the 4x4, why don't you wait till some benchmarks are out to compare. I believe that intel also has a quad core coming out in the same time frame....
Serge84 said:

AMD and ATI combine, AMD buys out one of the largest GPU companies in the world. Market shares double when compineing is complete. Matches invidia, matches intel. Outch... AMD got a whole lot bigger, has more fabs, has 7 billion dollors. Has 15,000 ppl now. They pretty much doubled everything in one shot. lol They never lost anything just gained a whole lot of bad assness. Long term effects have AMD at 2 times the money 2 times the market 2 times the yealds. ATi everything, Ati benitits ati secrets. More transisters. Half the GPU line. Half the Chipset line. You do the math... wow good move for AMD. :D

This puts a new meaning into the word screwed. Intel shouldn't have gave Dell to AMD. Intel shouldn't have screwed ATi. No more ATi chipsets for intel now. No SLI support? What is intel doing begging AMD to kill them?

Look at that... How evil they are with their evil thoughts and evil ways with their evil devilish grins thinking of unspeakable things... OMG its all over. XDD :p

Intel aready lost 57% of its market... do you think it will stop now that this has happened? No! Looks like the gient is falling. AMD is a company to take seriously. They are the ones who beat intel for the past 3 years. Doesn't matter how small AMD was. AMD now has better gpu lines and chipset lines and features. Just gotten bigger and has more money. Its going to take more then just performance to beat AMD now with conroe. :( AMD's price cuts really set the bar. No difference now. Whats intel going to do now? :confused: They have no more aces. AMD just got amillion of them. AMD is reborn. ATi, Dell, HP, Sun and so on are all part of AMD as one. Its not just AMD that intel has to worrie about its what they can do with all their companies combine that make them stronger.

Two things.
1. AMD Net Worth + ATi Net Worth != Intel Net Worth (nor is it greater than)
2. ATi uses AMD's fabs (among others)
HI EVERYBODY!!!!!! IM COMPUTER PHD NOW! In future this what i see in AMD/ATI merger:

1) Optimize ATI chips for HyperTransport (Torrenza)--You don't need GDDR3 anymore, just DDR2 via ccHT
2) Cripple ATI chips for FSB based technologies but keep them competieve against Nvidia ones
5) Embed GPU functionality into the CPU, making GPU running at 2.8GHZ

"Even the game developers hate Intel for pushing those crap Intel Extreme graphics to the market."

/end Dr Nick

He acts like intel is the only one who makes onboard graphics. Points 1, 2 and 5 i got the biggest laugh out of.
Any way you look at it the problem with Conroe`s launch is availability of motherboards. Since Nvidia would not license SLI Intel depended on ATI Cross Fire to show what Conroe could do. Now AMD owns ATI. Funny stuff................. :D
rayman2k2 said:
Two things.
1. AMD Net Worth + ATi Net Worth != Intel Net Worth (nor is it greater than)
2. ATi uses AMD's fabs (among others)

Plus he's overstating Intel's market share loss. I tihnk it was 57% of retail desktop computers. THis doesnt count laptops, or servers, or online computer sales, etc. Intel's share of the overall x86 processor market is still on the order of 75%, and this can be evidenced just by looking at the overall sales. Even over the rough Q2 time frame, Intel's revenue was ~6x AMD ($8B vs $1.2B) and provit was about 10x ($885M vs $89M). Buying ATI is not going to close that gap, and will probably not show any significant changes for a year.

For the record, market analysts don't seem to think much of hte deal. AMD's stock is down $1.30 today after the announcement.

Also soem concerns about the original post quoted. Using system memory for graphics has been tried in a few variations in the past, and never been an acceptable solution. There's no reason to think that an ATI developed integrated graphcs will be significantly better than Intel integrated graphics. The nature of an integrated core doesn't really allow for the agressive clocking and functionality that hte stand alone cards provide, at least not in a cost effective way.
dad11345 said:
Any way you look at it the problem with Conroe`s launch is availability of motherboards. Since Nvidia would not license SLI Intel depended on ATI Cross Fire to show what Conroe could do. Now AMD owns ATI. Funny stuff................. :D

Tee hee. :)