Intel is on the Augmented Reality Bandwagon

I fail to believe that this was not possible on previous i-series processors. Its is great stuff (augmented reality, photo recognition), but it seems mostly a gimmick in this video to promote an already good processor.
Forgot to add, anyone notice he couldnt get the second "avatar" image to show? lol. Its cool intel is trying to showcase this stuff.
its fun stuff, but its to gimmicky for my taste, I do not see any real use for most of it.
I thought the video playing from the mag was cool, but if your holding this paper in front of your screen kinda hard to watch the content as well as I would like.
its fun stuff, but its to gimmicky for my taste, I do not see any real use for most of it.
I thought the video playing from the mag was cool, but if your holding this paper in front of your screen kinda hard to watch the content as well as I would like.

You hold it in front of the camera, not necessarily the screen. In this case the camera happened to be in the screen.

I dunno about this. It would be pretty useful to look at motherboards close up like he was showing, but do we need augmented reality on desktops to do that? I like the implementations on portable phones, but I have not yet seen a good use for it on the desktop yet.
"new, smarter, faster processors..."

Really now? I knew Clarkdale had improvements but I was not aware it was sentient. :confused:
I fail to believe that this was not possible on previous i-series processors. Its is great stuff (augmented reality, photo recognition), but it seems mostly a gimmick in this video to promote an already good processor.

Well it's always better to marker the best point about products. The CoreDuo/Quad series were best marketed as "we kicked AMD's ass this time around and there's nothing faster than us." Intel had to make that announcement for awhile because they had their asses royally whipped during the Athlon vs Netburst era.

But the iCore series is free to be marketed in another way. Everyone knows by now that Intel's back in the game.
wow 3-d graphics and video can be more annoying and unwieldy than ever before! Thanks intel!
wow 3-d graphics and video can be more annoying and unwieldy than ever before! Thanks intel!

Those were rough draft. I'm sure there's a few good application for augment reality.

Remember Microsoft Surface? That cool feature where when you put your cellphone down on the surface, you can manipulate it or get information on the phone and so on?

Augment Reality could do more.

Your wife goes online and shops for clothes. She stands in front of a webcam (thanks to Microsoft Natal perhaps?), goes to Macy's website and "tries on" the clothes from the privacy of her house before she buys it.

Think about the Photoshopping potentials. You shook hands with Gandhi, ala Forest Gump style. ;-)
Those were rough draft. I'm sure there's a few good application for augment reality.

ya AR is pretty cool especially for smartphones I'd say.. the potential is there but this demo of it was awful. Number one, this type of application isn't taxing any modern desktop CPU so it sure as hell isn't an ad for i5's awesome powers.. number two, I have no idea why I'd want to do any of the things he showed us.
This guy is just spewing buzzwords and demonstrating gimmicky effects. Blech!