Intel refuses gauntlet AMD throws down

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Topweasel said:
Was there ever a chance that Intel would accept. Lesson 1. Never get into a fight you don't think you could win.
Lesson 2: Never get in a fight you will not win! ;)
DejaWiz said:
Lesson 2: Never get in a fight you will not win! ;)

woa lol was gonna post exactly as you lol

anyway, what amd have done is a really bold action, i like it

apparently my friend read another article [which he forgot the source] that stated that the full page advertisment was on a number (4?) of different newspapers so apart from just a normal advertisment - this way they can make the people aware that they are stronger

it will not make a change immediately but for example if there was a noob and even someone who just is interested in general activity and sees that advertisment ., folows it up, and see's that intel refused, then they will ask 'but why?' and maybe we will see a new dawn

wise advertising
I definately think it was a bold move, and really it's one of the only things AMD can do now is get some good advertising out. With any luck they can get a history behind them of having good procs int he buisness world and then we could have some competition.
intel's response, though, was good. well, good for them in the eyes of people who dont know better (which, sadly, is a vast majority of the public).

they said something along the lines of "we don't compare head to head, we compare how good it is by how much it sells in the market" or something like that. which, of course, intel's going to win there cuz they have contracts w/ a bajillion companies, and there are still lots of people who will buy intel over amd cuz they're like "omg higher ghz = faster!"

Intel has had (and always will continue to have) such a stronghold on the majority of the PC market share that they have no reason to even babble with AMD much less challenge them to a showdown.

oh, and before someone shouts something like: "oh BS Ozzie.... you're just saying that because you're an Intel f@nboy.........." - or some nonesense like that.

well, here's a newsflash. I've always been an Intel person by nature but I recently f-ed up and I bought into all this AMD X2 horsesh*t and now thats what I'm using. what I wouldnt give to go back in time about two weeks and just kept my 630J chip that ran 24/7 at 4.2GHz w/o having to worry about messing with this AMD HTT, LDT that crap like I've been having to deal with this current X2 setup of mine.

oh well, I've pissed away so much money on this X2 setup of mine that I'd lose my ass bigtime if I were to sell it off and switch back to Intel so I guess I'm stuck with it for a while. :(
ozziegn said:

Intel has had (and always will continue to have) such a stronghold on the majority of the PC market share that they have no reason to even babble with AMD much less challenge them to a showdown.

oh, and before someone shouts something like: "oh BS Ozzie.... you're just saying that because you're an Intel f@nboy.........." - or some nonesense like that.

well, here's a newsflash. I've always been an Intel person by nature but I recently f-ed up and I bought into all this AMD X2 horsesh*t and now thats what I'm using. what I wouldnt give to go back in time about two weeks and just kept my 630J chip that ran 24/7 at 4.2GHz w/o having to worry about messing with this AMD HTT, LDT that crap like I've been having to deal with this current X2 setup of mine.

oh well, I've pissed away so much money on this X2 setup of mine that I'd lose my ass bigtime if I were to sell it off and switch back to Intel so I guess I'm stuck with it for a while. :(

#1 Intel is like ford. Governments/companys buy alot of their crap so their #s are high. #2 Don't blame your stupidity/mistakes on AMD! :p
FlatLine84 said:
I definately think it was a bold move, and really it's one of the only things AMD can do now is get some good advertising out.

IMO, the serious lack of advertising on behalf of AMD hurts them. Granted, their logo was on Lance Armstrong's jersey...

I hope this is where AMD begins a serious advertising campaign.
Tazman2 said:
#1 Intel is like ford. Governments/companys buy alot of their crap so their #s are high.

whatever you say pal..... the fact of the matter is, Intel has been and will always be the 800 lb gorilla when it comes to the majority of the CPU market share. like it or not.

#2 Don't blame your stupidity/mistakes on AMD! :p

I wont argue with you on that one.

it was my STUPID mistake to spend this ridiculous amount of money on this X2 setup when my previous (and MUCH cheaper) Intel setup was damn-near just as strong as what my current X2 setup is.
ozziegn said:
it was my STUPID mistake to spend this ridiculous amount of money on this X2 setup when my previous (and MUCH cheaper) Intel setup was damn-near just as strong as what my current X2 setup is.

you probably don't game much :), also, you probably don't use any applications that make use of dual-core processing.

Its kind of like taking a $20,000 mustang and a 500,000 porsche, driving at 50 mph on both, and concluding that there isnt much performance difference between the two.
ozziegn said:
whatever you say pal..... the fact of the matter is, Intel has been and will always be the 800 lb gorilla when it comes to the majority of the CPU market share. like it or not.

I wont argue with you on that one.

it was my STUPID mistake to spend this ridiculous amount of money on this X2 setup when my previous (and MUCH cheaper) Intel setup was damn-near just as strong as what my current X2 setup is. you're unhappy with your X2 because you lack the technical prowess to overclock it?

And secondly, why'd you go with dual core if you didn't need it? Seems kind of a waste to me, do you do any hard core encoding or editing or something, or do you just play games and post on the [H]?

Don't trash AMD because you have no clue how to overclock it.

Oh, and in response to another poster above, about what intel said. They don't compare head to head, they just compare in market share? Is that how the Ford GT mustang and the Ferrari F430 compare? I guess since Ford has a vastly superior marketshare their sports car MUST be faster and better.
ozziegn said:
it was my STUPID mistake to spend this ridiculous amount of money on this X2 setup when my previous (and MUCH cheaper) Intel setup was damn-near just as strong as what my current X2 setup is.

Sounds to me like you dont have it setup right, or dont use it heavily. Two instances of Internet Explorer dont exactly tax the X2

Eickst said:
Don't trash AMD because you have no clue how to overclock it.

and where did you get that information from? the bottom of your toilet seat perhaps? :rolleyes:

who said I didnt know how to O/C my X2? I damn sure didnt because my X2 4400+ runs rock-solid w/ dually instances of P95 @ 2.6GHz with 48C load temps on air cooling.

you might want to spread your crapola on someone who's been playing with computers for only two weeks or so but dont come spreading that crap over my way.

heh, I've probably been playing with computers long before you were an itch in your daddy's pants. :p
Steel Chicken said:
Sounds to me like you dont have it setup right, or dont use it heavily. Two instances of Internet Explorer dont exactly tax the X2


^ and yet another person who's talking out of his ass.

Jesus, what is it w/ you AMD people? I dont think I will never understand the mentality when it comes to the general AMD crowd.

it almost seems like you people have to purposely (sp?) put someone down if/when they say anything negative in the least about the almighty A64 processor.

ahh hell, what am I talking about. this childish AMD game shouldnt be nothing new to me. I've seen it far too many times and I guess I should know better than to actually get into it with you people because there's simply no sense in it.

*but on a brighter note*

I just took a glimps over at ebay to see what the X2 4400+ chips are going for and they're still fetching a nice price. I think I might have to put my chip up for auction and go back to my good 'ol, tried and trued Intel stuff and save me some $$$ to boot. ;)
Some of the comments in here are pretty silly. You dont need to OC an X2 to make it peform. And sorry to rain on your parade ozz, but the the AND dual core solution is FAR more advanced than anything Intel currently has out. Anyone with even mediocre knowledge in processor design will tell you that. Im not saying the intel chips suck. They are fine. But to say that AMD is no better implies that you either didnot use it much, it wasn't setup right, or your just ignorant.

Im sure the time will come when Intel has the performance crown again. When that time comes, feel free to say your have a more powerful CPU. Until then, dont cry because your poster child is not the reigning king.
Steel Chicken said:
But to say that AMD is no better implies that you either didnot use it much, it wasn't setup right, or your just ignorant.

I'm sorry, you are correct. my X2 4400+ is better than my previous 630 chip clocked at 4.2GHz.... after all, my X2 4400+ does score a whopping 200 points higher in 3DMark '05 vs what my 630 chip.

heh, an extra $400 expense to gain a blistering 200 3DMark points. what a deal..... :D

okay, and now I'm predicting that your next comment will be something like, "well you know Oz, synthetic benchies dont mean jack and blah, blah, blah........."

well, here's a newsflash for ya. this X2 setup of mine doesnt run any better and I havent noticed any noticeable gains in performance w/ games like HL2 or even BF2 to have justified the HUGE increase in hardware prices between this setup and my previous Intel setup.

oh, and what ever happened to AMD's main claim to fame about how their setups are so much cheaper than the Intels?

*cough* BULLSHIT *cough*
Topweasel said:
Was there ever a chance that Intel would accept. Lesson 1. Never get into a fight you don't think you could win.

I got some friends that would argue that with you lol. When they get drunk they dont mind taking an ass whipping to prove a point lol. Guess that means would should all chip for one huge ass bottle of bacardi for intel. Would be a funny fight.
ozziegn said:
I'm sorry, you are correct. my X2 4400+ is better than my previous 630 chip clocked at 4.2GHz.... after all, my X2 4400+ does score a whopping 200 points higher in 3DMark '05 vs what my 630 chip.

heh, an extra $400 expense to gain a blistering 200 3DMark points. what a deal..... :D
3D mark, thats some funny shit. Im starting to learn towards ignorant.

okay, and now I'm predicting that your next comment will be something like, "well you know Oz, synthetic benchies dont mean jack and blah, blah, blah........."

Way to spin control. They are useful tools, but real world apps > benchmarks. How long does it take to rip a DVD, what kind of FPS do you get in a game? Stuff that actually matters.

well, here's a newsflash for ya. this X2 setup of mine doesnt run any better and I havent noticed any noticeable gains in performance w/ games like HL2 or even BF2 to have justified the HUGE increase in hardware prices between this setup and my previous Intel setup.

Good for you. Maybe theres other things going on, like I dunno your graphics setup? Disk IO? Im not gonna list 20 different links to legit sources comparing the two wont listen.

oh, and what ever happened to AMD's main claim to fame about how their setups are so much cheaper than the Intels?

*cough* BULLSHIT *cough*

You can still buy cheaper AMD's. Its called choice. AMD used the cheaper mantra for so long because Intel used to have the performance crown, and AMD provided 80-90% of the performance for half the cost. Now, a single core AMD will outperform the Intel at a similar cost. A high end AMD will crush a high end Intel, at a higher cost. I dont see the bullshit.

Your a fanbo1, pure and simple. You cant accept that times change. Intel is not on top anymore. AMD provides better chips at nearly every market segment. This will change im sure. I can accept that. Can you?
Eickst said: you're unhappy with your X2 because you lack the technical prowess to overclock it?

Don't trash AMD because you have no clue how to overclock it.

Oh! So that's how you get performance out of an AMD.... :D

Or let me put this another way, you shouldn't have to overclock a proc out of the box, period..
ozziegn said:
I'm sorry, you are correct. my X2 4400+ is better than my previous 630 chip clocked at 4.2GHz.... after all, my X2 4400+ does score a whopping 200 points higher in 3DMark '05 vs what my 630 chip.

heh, an extra $400 expense to gain a blistering 200 3DMark points. what a deal..... :D

okay, and now I'm predicting that your next comment will be something like, "well you know Oz, synthetic benchies dont mean jack and blah, blah, blah........."

well, here's a newsflash for ya. this X2 setup of mine doesnt run any better and I havent noticed any noticeable gains in performance w/ games like HL2 or even BF2 to have justified the HUGE increase in hardware prices between this setup and my previous Intel setup.

oh, and what ever happened to AMD's main claim to fame about how their setups are so much cheaper than the Intels?

*cough* BULLSHIT *cough*
Sounds to me like someone didn't need a dual core chip from ANY company. ;)
FlatLine84 said:
Oh! So that's how you get performance out of an AMD.... :D

Or let me put this another way, you shouldn't have to overclock a proc out of the box, period..
Many people don't. Many people don't need to. Especially those with X2's. :D

But we wouldn't be on [H]ard|Forum if we didn't overclock....;)
FlatLine84 said:
Oh! So that's how you get performance out of an AMD.... :D

Or let me put this another way, you shouldn't have to overclock a proc out of the box, period..

Oh, he didnt have to, his at stock outperforms yours by a factor of 5. He just felt like overclocking it.

And ozzie, going dual core was the stupid decision. Not going AMD.

I've had a 4.2ghz intel, a 3.2ghz amd, and now am buying another rig that has the 4400+. I will post comparisions when it comes in.

Let me tell you, AMD trashes the intel, except in multitasking where the intel does win despite what all the amd !!!!!!s say. I am expecting the dual core to even outthat playing field and give an outright win to AMD. we shall see in about 2 weeks when I will have both systems side by side.
ozziegn said:
I'm sorry, you are correct. my X2 4400+ is better than my previous 630 chip clocked at 4.2GHz.... after all, my X2 4400+ does score a whopping 200 points higher in 3DMark '05 vs what my 630 chip.

heh, an extra $400 expense to gain a blistering 200 3DMark points. what a deal..... :D

okay, and now I'm predicting that your next comment will be something like, "well you know Oz, synthetic benchies dont mean jack and blah, blah, blah........."

well, here's a newsflash for ya. this X2 setup of mine doesnt run any better and I havent noticed any noticeable gains in performance w/ games like HL2 or even BF2 to have justified the HUGE increase in hardware prices between this setup and my previous Intel setup.

oh, and what ever happened to AMD's main claim to fame about how their setups are so much cheaper than the Intels?

*cough* BULLSHIT *cough*

You're GPU bottlenecked. Of course, you think that a prescott 630 is on par with an X2, which makes you smart, so you should be able to figure that one out by yourself :)
I have a 4400+ X2 that I am trying to sell right now. I had an Intel 550 @ 4.0GHz 24/7 with no problems at all. My AMD system had all kind of problems. I guess it could be more NVIDIA NF4 chipset than AMD's X2. I have 2Gigs of Ballistix PC4000 ram and I tried both ASUS A8N and ABIT AN8 SLI boards. Both top of the line motherboards. I gave up on the AMD thing and am going back to Intel. I want a fast computer and one that is stable. It does not have to be the fastest computer out there.
I have a 7800GTX, 2gigs of ram, a fast hard drive, and I am waiting for my ASUS P5WD2 and P4 630. I will overclock it to 4GHz or more and see how it goes. That system will run everything just fine. There’s nothing it will not be able to handle.
DBZ33 said:
I have a 4400+ X2 that I am trying to sell right now. I had an Intel 550 @ 4.0GHz 24/7 with no problems at all. My AMD system had all kind of problems. I guess it could be more NVIDIA NF4 chipset than AMD's X2. I have 2Gigs of Ballistix PC4000 ram and I tried both ASUS A8N and ABIT AN8 SLI boards. Both top of the line motherboards. I gave up on the AMD thing and am going back to Intel. I want a fast computer and one that is stable. It does not have to be the fastest computer out there.
I have a 7800GTX, 2gigs of ram, a fast hard drive, and I am waiting for my ASUS P5WD2 and P4 630. I will overclock it to 4GHz or more and see how it goes. That system will run everything just fine. There’s nothing it will not be able to handle.
Ooooh, anecdotal evidence! I have plenty of that too, can I play??? ;)
computerpro3 said:
going dual core was the stupid decision. Not going AMD.
If you went from a 6xx series that was o/c'd to hell and back, running at 4ghz, and you don't like the performance of an X2, then your usage model isn't taking advantage of a Dual core CPU. Your complaint would be no different if you bought an 840 and was able to push it to 3.6ghz or so. Fact is, a 4.2ghz P4 is a fast cpu, no matter what, and unless you are benching dvd encoders or encoding audio files, you won't find any advantage moving to dual core....Intel or AMD. And BTW, you get the reaction from the AMD crowd that you do simply because you are saying "big brother > little engine that could." It's an emotional reaction.....try to tell me that the Yankees are better than the Cardinals and you will hear a similar reaction from me :) .
Since apparently this guy here likes to use benchmarks, I went on the Futuremark benchmark library and pulled out the highest rating from an X2 and Pentium 4 EE pc using the same graphics card, in this case the 7800GTX. here is what came up:

Maximum score for X2 proc: 14044 :eek:
maximum score for any P4: 10558 running at 4.4 ghz :eek: :eek:

Now lets go to and find the most expensive proc for Pentium 4 and X2, as, by a fairly reasonable assumption, they were present in the bookmarks.

Price of most expensive X2 proc: 884$
Price of most expensive P4 proc: 1150$
computerpro3 said:
Oh, he didnt have to, his at stock outperforms yours by a factor of 5. He just felt like overclocking it.

And ozzie, going dual core was the stupid decision. Not going AMD.

I've had a 4.2ghz intel, a 3.2ghz amd, and now am buying another rig that has the 4400+. I will post comparisions when it comes in.

Let me tell you, AMD trashes the intel, except in multitasking where the intel does win despite what all the amd !!!!!!s say. I am expecting the dual core to even outthat playing field and give an outright win to AMD. we shall see in about 2 weeks when I will have both systems side by side.

Oh I do agree, AMD does have the better procs right now, no doubt. I'm just debating the small shit. I'm running a P4 2.8, I don't think it really holds a candle to much, other than the fact of having HT. But it does all I need, and I'd have to buy a board proc and video card for any sort of upgrade at this point, and that isn't justified. I can fold and play source at the same time, so I don't really care. But since I have to upgrade the board and proc, when I do upgrade, whoever has the best gets my money.
if ozziegn desn't use his x2 to the full potential then why did he get it? *scratches head* :confused:
Same reason I buy stuff, I'm bored, want more performance, a product looks cool and get a lot of hype, and a bigger epenis is always nice?
Susquehannock said:
lol - these AMD vs. Intel threads always crack me up :D

I try to stay away from them, but when someone wanders into the AMD forum saying that an X2 doesnt outperfrom a 630, he paints a target on his back :(.

for the record though i LOVE my pentium-M notebook.
Nakamori said:
I try to stay away from them, but when someone wanders into the AMD forum saying that an X2 doesnt outperfrom a 630, he paints a target on his back :(.

for the record though i LOVE my pentium-M notebook.

oh sweet Jesus, here we go again.

Did I say that the X2 didnt perform as well as my 630 did? no, I didnt.

I have and merely stated that the BIG price differences between my X2 4400+ and my 630 setup wasnt worth it to me.

you people need to learn how to read things better before you go accusing people of saying something that wasnt said.
ozziegn said:
you people need to learn how to read things better before you go accusing people of saying something that wasnt said.
i'm backing you up on this one man. this is getting pretty unfair.

if you do sell it though.. i know you don't care for overclocking K8's, i would recommend a dfi nf3-250gb with a 3100+ sempron. both are cheap, but are hella fun to tweak when you get down to it.
however, the low cache size of the sempron kills any "smoothness" that there might be :(
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