Intel’s Processor Price List December 2008

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Intel has just posted its new processor price list for December 2008. The list is in PDF format (87k) so I took a screenshot of the desktop processor portion of the list for your convenience. Those of you looking for prices on the Mobile Core 2 Duo, Atom, Itanium and Xeon processor prices can hit the link and download the complete list.
what's the point of posting this if there's no decrease in price?

Because there is the introduction of new processors Q9000, a new Core 2 Quad, and a slew of Mobile Dual-Core processors and that's about it.
what's the point of posting this if there's no decrease in price?

Ya what was the point of that, btw here's the real price list...

Q9000, yummy. Mobile quads are now at a reasonable price.
For the benefit of anyone still confused, all the new processors are on pages 2+ and not visible in the screenshot.

The part that I found interesting is that the i7-920 is still $284 from intel, confirming that almost all the sale prices we'd seen recently were loss leaders.
Why keep the Q9300, E8300, E7200, E2180, and E1400 if the prices are the same, yet slower? Are those like dud chips or are they just filling up the market with chips? That list could use a good purge.

Q6600 is still in there too XD. It's a great chip, but they need to bump down those 12MB L2 cache chips down in price. Core i7 940 is out, for around the same price as the Q9550, what is the point of keeping it at that price?
i never realized itanium processors cost that much :eek:
the old models are kept instead of being dropped to honor commitments to keep something available for X amount of time and to purge off the remaining inventory of the older one in the process.
Ive never liked intel and "Extreme", too expensive.

Its not "Human" prices, its prices that a company can spend as a sponsor chip, nothing else.

1400 bucks for an QX9770, joke ?
Overall I have no complaints with Intel pricing, there is something for every budget, but I really hope we get some competition from AMD this coming year so we can see some price movement on that chart.
I like tells me we need more competition form AMD! :(

AMD is practically giving their processors away yet Intel prices haven't budged much at mid level from a year ago....blaaahhh
I upgraded to an i7 920 last week. I'm extremely pleased with the results, and I do not overclock.
Damn, still no price drops. Lack of competition FTL :(

I know, I'm afraid we're going to get a repeat of late 2006 to late 2007 when GPU performance stagnated while prices remained the same, all because ATI couldn't get their act together with a part to compete with the 8800 series.