intel SSD questions


Nov 1, 2004
Hello folks. I have been using an intel 530 series 240GB SSD as my main (windows and games) drive for a couple months. I recently learned I am supposed to run in AHCI mode, so i enabled that on my Gigabyte MA790GPT-UD3H mobo and reinstalled etc. All is well.

In the intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox software, it shows 100% health and 100% life remaining, so the SMART readings seem to be working. My problem is, when i view the other screens such as Optimizer and diagnostic scan, it says "The Intel SSD Toolbox cannot communicate with the selected Intel SSD. Consider changing to another storage driver compatible with your system and try the tool again."

I read somewhere on intels support site to check device manager --> disk drives --> Intel SSD etc --> Details tab --> hardware ids, and that they should start with IDE\, however mine start with SCSI.

I try to update the driver, which shows as a microsoft driver from 2006, but I cannot. I have tried the driver package from Gigatbyte which updates the AHCI/RAID/Chipset/onboard graphics all in one, but while that says it installed correctly, doesn't show an update for the intel disk. I can't seem to find an intel driver (if there is one), so I am not sure what to do. Checked windows update also, and the SSD's firmware is up to date, as well as the Toolbox program.

One final question: In the toolbox , it lists 1.29 TB already under host writes. Is this a lot? I have defragmenting turned off, superfetch/prefetch off already, although I did defrag the disk once before i knew not to. TRIM is also enabled in windows.

EDIT: Oh, and as far as i know, my motherboard's 6 sata ports are all on the same controller, so would swapping ports help or hinder in any way?
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