Intel thermal compound


Jan 4, 2004
Okay, long story short.

I had a beige box for my main rig ( :( ) but I fixed that recently, got myself a nice new pwnage case. While changing from one case to the other, I decided to take off the HSF to clean the dus out of it. I noticed that as soon as I opened the levers on the HSF the entire thing came loose. So I removed it from the bracket, my cpu was still in place, but the thermal compound on it was basically gone, it had worn thin, spread out and turned completely black. I certainly don't think it's supposed to be that way.

Or is it?

haha, anyway, I was wondering the best way to get the residue of the stuff off of my processor and heat sink.... that is if it really isn't supposed to be that way.

by the way, I would say before I did this when my box was running it was running warm, too... about 55 degrees idling and maybe 60-65 under load. Incase anyone wants to know it's a P4 2.53.

thanks in advance
Rubbing alcohol, as pure as you can find.

That will take the old goop off (although it may take some rubbing to get rid of it all).

finish it up with some nice artic silver 5 and you'll be golden
go to the local drugstore, find some lint free cleaning pads, then pick up some 99% isopropyl alcohol or 100% acetone. thermal stuff will come off easy.

then apply some real thermal grease, spread it good, smack the hsf back down and you're good to go.