Intel Wants to Take You on a Graphics Odyssey


Mar 3, 2018
Intel's discrete GPU is still years away, but they're already trying to get the graphics community involved. Chipzilla previously made calls for graphics experts to join their team, but yesterday, Intel Graphics launched a more consumer-centric campaign. Functionally, Intel Graphics' "Odyssey" appears to be a mailing list for gaming-related promotions and giveaways right now, but TechRadar mentions that Intel will send out "invites to company-sponsored events" via the newsletter sometime in the future. As spammy as this effort may or may not seem, we've noted that Intel has totally revamped their public-facing image over the past year, and I prefer this effort to reach out to the community over the company's previous policies of keeping development close to their chest.

Check out the Odyssey video here.

The Odyssey is built around a passionate community, focused on improving graphics and visual computing for everyone, from gamers to content creators. And we want voices like yours to help guide us. We're committed to listening to the community, and in return you will get closer to the inner workings of visual technology development than ever before. You'll hear the latest reports first and you'll have access to some amazing offers and exclusive giveaways. The Odyssey is about how we'll work together to build the visual computing solutions you really want. You also have the opportunity to receive the Intel Gaming Access newsletter which gives gamers a VIP pass to killer deals and freebies, preferred beta access, the latest gaming news, and more.
Great step in the right direction. For the most part, honest community interaction is a win-win for any company when developing a new series of product(s).

...As spammy as this effort may or may not seem, we've noted that Intel has totally revamped their public-facing image over the past year, and I prefer this effort to reach out to the community over the company's previous policies of keeping development close to their chest.

Signed up on their website. We'll see where this goes.
I also like how the camera pans up after seeing the others creep on you... surely a massive gangbang took place?
my only thoughts were at the beginning when it is looking down at the ground.. and its moving oh so SLOW..

yeah.. thats about the FPS i expect from intel graphics

Would be nice if intel would choose bluefor their gfx division. When these teams combine.. well you get the point.
"This .. Is .. An Odyssey!"


Apparently the people who do marketing at Intel didn't get a classical education. They certainly didn't read any ancient Greek Homeric poetry (that's 'Homeric', not 'Homoerotic'). If I remember correctly, the Odyssey took 10 years (which is probably Intel's real timeline), and along the way the hero and his fellow sailors are blown off course, get chased by some gods, and are almost killed by cyclops, flower eaters, sea monsters, witches, cannibals and sentient whirlpools. A giant eats a bunch of the men and eleven of the twelve ships are destroyed. When Odysseus finally gets home he murders all of the hard-partying Suitors who have been hanging out at his place while he was away. And frankly that doesn't make me feel good about being part of the 'passionate external community', because that means that there's gonna be lots of fun and free prizes, but at the end of the whole development process someone is gonna arrive to kill us all.

Hey, Intel, for about 4,000 years, the term 'odyssey' meant an unusually difficult, unpleasant and painful journey.
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"This .. Is .. An Odyssey!"


Apparently the people who do marketing at Intel don't get a classical education. They certainly don't read any ancient Greek Homeric poetry (that's 'Homeric', not 'Homoerotic'). If I remember correctly, the Odyssey took 10 years (which is probably Intel's real timeline), and along the way the hero and his fellow sailors are blown off course, get chased by some gods, and are almost killed by cyclops, flower eaters, sea monsters, witches, cannibals and sentient whirlpools. A giant eats a bunch of the men and eleven of the twelve ships are destroyed. When Odysseus finally gets home he murders all of the hard-partying Suitors who have been hanging out at his place while he was away. And frankly that doesn't make me feel good about being part of the 'passionate external community', because that means that there's gonna be lots of fun and free prizes, but at the end of the whole development someone is gonna arrive and kill us all.

Hey, Intel, for about 4,000 years, the term 'odyssey' meant an unusually difficult, unpleasant and painful journey. add to that fire...
2001: A Space Odyssey....
"This .. Is .. An Odyssey!"


Apparently the people who do marketing at Intel don't get a classical education. They certainly don't read any ancient Greek Homeric poetry (that's 'Homeric', not 'Homoerotic'). If I remember correctly, the Odyssey took 10 years (which is probably Intel's real timeline), and along the way the hero and his fellow sailors are blown off course, get chased by some gods, and are almost killed by cyclops, flower eaters, sea monsters, witches, cannibals and sentient whirlpools. A giant eats a bunch of the men and eleven of the twelve ships are destroyed. When Odysseus finally gets home he murders all of the hard-partying Suitors who have been hanging out at his place while he was away. And frankly that doesn't make me feel good about being part of the 'passionate external community', because that means that there's gonna be lots of fun and free prizes, but at the end of the whole development someone is gonna arrive and kill us all.

Hey, Intel, for about 4,000 years, the term 'odyssey' meant an unusually difficult, unpleasant and painful journey.
Actually, this sounds pretty accurate for Intel's foray into discrete graphics so far. Intel's Odyssey started with Larrabee back in 2006.
Each new intel graphics card will give you a nice 5% boost over previous generation
I just can't take intel seriously with graphics. AMD and Nvidia are so far ahead
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Well, calling it an Odyssey is odd. I mean, Odysseus ignored a lot of advice, wandered lost for years, had many of his men die along the way, and, when he finally returned home, only his blind dog recognized him. So, if Intel wants to call their attempt at making a new dGPU an "Odyssey", well, I guess we know what to expect.
what did I just watch? I was rolling my cigarette, looked at my hands for a second, then the video ended. WTF
Historical/mythical odyssey kept 10 years without the 10 more of the Trojan war. Not willing to wait or endure that for a gpu. Bad marketing move imho. Only fanboys can fall for this.
Yeah, this has to be the worst advertising idea ever to introduce their new discrete card...but then this is Intel we're talking about!

Unless they've moved-up the release date to 2019 instead of 2020, this is pointless baiting. Unless the card releases by April, this shit will be completely forgotten.
Yeah, this has to be the worst advertising idea ever to introduce their new discrete card...but then this is Intel we're talking about!

Unless they've moved-up the release date to 2019 instead of 2020, this is pointless baiting. Unless the card releases by April, this shit will be completely forgotten.
Raja will remind us
Does intel have any cross-license agreements with nvidia or amd?
Does intel have any cross-license agreements with nvidia or amd?

Not anymore. But I think they they don't need it, as AMD or Nvida could have sued them at any point in the last fifteen years they've been making anything with programmable shaders (the standard graphics pipeline they bought from Real3D, and have all the patents).

Intel cut Nvidia out of the chipset business, and had to pay a "licensing fee" as restitution. It was never a result of an actual graphics ip suit.
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Words words words...

The only times I've heard companies say things like "we're listening", "we'll improve" was when they fucked up (see; every game controversy in the last decade).

The rest is just fluff, it's every hypetrain followed by underwhelming hardware since as long as I can remember.

Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely Love another capable player on the field, but this kind of video just reminds me of all the disappointments of the past.