Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 thumb button fix?


Limp Gawd
Apr 12, 2005
Hey guys, I just got a brand new intellimouse explorer 3.0 and the bigger side (thumb) button is incredibly unresponsive. It pushes in but does not 'click' and the actual registration in windows varies.

i've read reviews and this seems to be a common problem. One reviewer posted he took the mouse apart and inserted some cardboard to make it more responsive.

Does anyone have experience with disassembling this mouse or have an idea how I could make the button more resistant?

This is the only image I could find of the mouse apart:

I found this, much better picture

I'm guessing I can just put something between where the button makes contact with the switch or whatever?
I wouldn't mess with it. MS has great customer support for their mice
Email them you'll get a new one.
First of all, go through all the Microsoft support hoops, I did and got a brand new mouse without having to ship mine back.

I have a Microsoft Laser Mouse 6000 that suffered the same thing, except it was on the left click button. The actual "Clicking" sound is made by the push-button sensor inside the mouse, when you don't hear it it's probably the sensor. I tried to do as you say and I glued all kinds of cardboard (toothpick worked best) but it still required an inordinate ammount of pressure to work.

Since I kept my mouse what I did was de-solder the problematic sensor, and switch it for one of the side button sensors that I rarely used. And voila!, Brand new mouse. The side button works too!, I guess the heat from the solder made it work.
jesus christ I just bought the same mouse today and both side buttons are so loose, they rattle and shit. I can't believe it. I should have went with a trusty MX518 godamnit. a RMA is in order.