Intel's CEO Doubles His Compensation in 2007

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
So the big news today is that Intel’s CEO Paul Otellini got a substantial pay raise last year, bringing his total compensation up to $12 million (double what he made the year before). Now, it’s not like he got a pay raise when the company was doing bad, so I don’t know what the big deal is.

Otellini's pay hike was the result of trying to bring his compensation package in line with those at peer companies, Intel said in the SEC filing. The bulk of the 2007 increase came from giving his total cash compensation a 91 percent jolt to $4.7 million, while his base pay received a 10 percent increase to $770,000.
Possibly the most well deserved raise any CEO has received. Intel stock is up, revenue and profits are up. I'm surprised its only at $12million compared to other CE(ohnoEs).
Meanwhile Hector Ruiz makes 12 million after his recent raise while his company is floundering financially. That guy must have some serious salary negotiation skills.
CEO salaries make me sick... the engineers make $60-$125 a year, techs make even less... are you telling me this guy is worth 130+ people?
I wish companies would improve the salaries of workers before their upper level management.
CEO salaries make me sick... the engineers make $60-$125 a year, techs make even less... are you telling me this guy is worth 130+ people?

I wish companies would improve the salaries of workers before their upper level management.

They would be knocking at the CEO's door right now with pitch forks had this been a terrible year... first to take blame, first to get credit.
I wish companies would improve the salaries of workers before their upper level management.

Agreed. Is he really worth 130 employees? I am completely unsure of that. While I understand a lot of it is in stock and the like that the average worker doesn't want, where is profit sharing?

One guy makes 12 million dollars....per year......1 guy....1 year......12 million....dollars
I guess money isn't everything. I would like to work at Intel, and make 75k- 100k, no complaints from me.

If you do not pay you're top guys a comparable salary they get poached by other companies, especially if they perform so well.

A while back Apple got in trouble by giving out backdated options. If they would have not doen this their tallent would have been poached.
While I usually abhor CEO salaries, Intel is kicking ridiculous amounts of ass right now. If anyone deserves such an amount of money for doing this job (and I say that with some question), this is probably the guy.
Agreed. Is he really worth 130 employees? I am completely unsure of that. While I understand a lot of it is in stock and the like that the average worker doesn't want, where is profit sharing?

One guy makes 12 million dollars....per year......1 guy....1 year......12 million....dollars

Absolutely. You can have the best engineers in the world but without a good business plan you all go nowhere. I also wouldn't complain if I was making six figures.
Absolutely. You can have the best engineers in the world but without a good business plan you all go nowhere. I also wouldn't complain if I was making six figures.

And no one has complained yet about how much commission a sales-hole can make on a single large deal.
Possibly the most well deserved raise any CEO has received. Intel stock is up, revenue and profits are up. I'm surprised its only at $12million compared to other CE(ohnoEs).

Agreed! This is a CEO raise that I'd say is 100% deserved.
when Hector makes 12 million its a problem imho. here I just dont see it.

seriously theres people whos job it is to go out and hit a baseball well, dunk a basketball, catch a football who make more than this in a years time Is it really so hard for some of you to believe that a companies chief officer can make this? Think of just some of the things that intel cpus drive and the 12 million doesnt seem like so much.... at least not to me anyway.
when Hector makes 12 million its a problem imho. here I just dont see it.

seriously theres people whos job it is to go out and hit a baseball well, dunk a basketball, catch a football who make more than this in a years time Is it really so hard for some of you to believe that a companies chief officer can make this? Think of just some of the things that intel cpus drive and the 12 million doesnt seem like so much.... at least not to me anyway.

I didn't want to bring in the sports figures because then we have to bring up Hollywood. Between the sports arena and cinema I somehow find myself thinking that this raise isn't really that bad considering it is going towards someone who actually works for a living. That is just my opinion, but I think some other people might agree.
While i agree that he deserves it for what he's done for the company. I find it alittle upsetting that he would take a raise this big while the people in the fabs making the cpus are only getting 3% raises.
While i agree that he deserves it for what he's done for the company. I find it alittle upsetting that he would take a raise this big while the people in the fabs making the cpus are only getting 3% raises.
just corporate greed. :(
Hell, Bob Nardelli got 255 million to LEAVE Home Depot, then the stupid fucks at Chrysler hire him.
While i agree that he deserves it for what he's done for the company. I find it alittle upsetting that he would take a raise this big while the people in the fabs making the cpus are only getting 3% raises.

Thats how it works. More responsibility = more money. To be honest as much as it sucks making a 3% raise, if the company is in crapper the people in fabs really aren't held responsible.
He had to double his income because of the market inflation. He otherwise couldn't afford to buy milk at $6/gal, or the $4/gal for gas. :rolleyes:

No single person should make this much in a year - I don't care how much responsibility. People have lost what the value of a dollar means. It's all virtual Monopoly money.

The techs building the equipment have just as much responsibility - engineer a crappy product and you lose. Bad marketing, you lose. Bad management, you lose.
If you guys make a guild on Everquest and raided almost every single day,
Then all your officers start equipping themselves with Planes of Power gear,
So that they don't look like shit when they are walking around Nexus,
Would you be mad or would you think thats fair?
I think it's way overpaid... but for a company doing so well, you can't blame it. I just hope they don't get cocky.
@Chombo, well yes we are. When the company was doing bad not to long ago, techs were being laid off, being the lowest on the so called totem pole the fab techs are the first to feel the pinch of hard times.
12 million? thats it? I wonder how much other CEO's get. I'm too lazy but lets see someone make a list of outrageous CEO pay. If there was a CEO school I'd be enrolled. SH*t. If there was a how to become a congressman in 12 simple steps I'd be the first to buy it.