Internet Drug Trafficking Skyrockets

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Experts are saying that internet drug trafficking is skyrocketing? Let me get this straight, most of us can’t get our e-mail on time or our order from without a screw up…but drug addicts are getting their drugs over the internet? What the hell? The way this makes it sound is that it is more complicated to get NetFlix than it is heroin.

"Buying drugs on the Internet is really easy. You only need an Internet cafe, a credit card, and it's done," said Daniel Altmeyer, an Interpol officer attending the World Forum Against Drugs in the Swedish capital this week.
This must be a european problem, here in the US with our nazi postal inspectors and the crappy carrier job, you'd be lucky if you can get your shippment of drugs on time or even at all.
Not surprising. People need to remember that the standard pot/heroin/cocaine/etc aren't all that makes up "illegal drugs".

Stuff like steroids, fat burners, etc that are illegal here but not in many other countries are sent in small quantities through standard mail all the time. The markups are so high that if the shipment gets blocked (which is only like 10% for small quantities), they'll reship it for you for free.
The internet *is* my drug. I don't need any other kinds.
what will happen when we are capable of stimulating the various pleasure centers recreational drugs work on directly, instead of using substances? are they going to make certain signal patterns illegal, because they make us feel good?
what will happen when we are capable of stimulating the various pleasure centers recreational drugs work on directly, instead of using substances? are they going to make certain signal patterns illegal, because they make us feel good?

Only signal patterns not directly purchased from people who donated to the current president's war chest.
I ordered a Russian Quadrapelegic mail order bride the other day with a combo purchase of some heroin.

Intarwebs for the win.
I ordered some pharmacy crap from mexico one time, it was cheaper and I thought, what the hell?

customs nabbed it, even though it was I think allergy pills and some asthma inhalers. I can't imagine people getting real drugs.
on a serious note, dont people in the US order crap from Canadian pharmacies all the time?
still ponders me why i cannot buy grass... legally... but

you can buy mescaline over the internet lol... oh well.
Yeah but who's arse to kick when you find out your shizzle's been cut with baby powder?
Yeah but who's arse to kick when you find out your shizzle's been cut with baby powder?

baby powder? thats the least of your worries. drain cleaner more like it.

I wouldn't buy anything medical from mexico over the intarwebs.
I ordered some pharmacy crap from mexico one time, it was cheaper and I thought, what the hell?

customs nabbed it, even though it was I think allergy pills and some asthma inhalers. I can't imagine people getting real drugs.

Wait :eek: You bought mexican medication for your asthma and allergies because it was cheap?!!

Holy shit, you get the award for the man with the biggest balls. :p
still ponders me why i cannot buy grass... legally... but

you can buy mescaline over the internet lol... oh well.

That day'll come...seems like the laws are being chipped away a little bit at a time, even with Republican's owning congress and a Republican in the White House at the same time 4 years ago.

I reckon once more and more states legalize medical marijuana, it'll become a state's rights issue and more change will be coming.
Wait :eek: You bought mexican medication for your asthma and allergies because it was cheap?!!

Holy shit, you get the award for the man with the biggest balls. :p

I agree. When it comes to something that I need to keep me alive I like to know that there is better than a 10% chance that what I am taking is actually what I need to live.
Getting hold of drugs or offers for purchasing used to be no problem for me, but then I cut my hair. The kind of drugs this is about, and what's going on in Sweden, is pretty much refined chemicals that is bad for you in too many ways - kids in school eat soap for their miniscule alcohol & chemical content - people hide random shrooms picked off fields in dvdcases and disguise them as game sales & sell 'em to teenagers over the internet - and for the shallow wastes of life who idolize paris hilton and guido culture in Stockholms nightclubs where becoming famous is more important than living, more and more are getting onto cocaine only because celebrities are doing it. A soap star got a few years in jail for buying coke (a few years, not a few millennia like in the US. Which is interesting) and whammo, everybody wanted a powder-milk moustache.

Then there's people who go above the "even in an emergency you should not take more than this" limit for prescription meds just because of their nano-grams of narcotic content per box of 50 tablets and permanently ruin their internal organs and lives, just for a short sensation of a high, most of them in their early-mid 20s or teens.

Just a google search away.

And, ever had painkillers prescribed to you lately? If someone close, friend or cousin or whatever has not asked for a few pills after seeing what you've got, then you are one of very few in the western modernized world it has not happened to. Over half of all patients my last two doctors have worked with are on happy pills, too. So what's up with the people in the western, modernized world?

I wish I could give them bad salvia trips to give them a good realitycheck.
what will happen when we are capable of stimulating the various pleasure centers recreational drugs work on directly, instead of using substances? are they going to make certain signal patterns illegal, because they make us feel good?

Our pleasure signal patterns don't drive cars into children or fund gang bangers who shoot cops, dumbass.
I agree. When it comes to something that I need to keep me alive I like to know that there is better than a 10% chance that what I am taking is actually what I need to live.

I'll take my chances with Mexican Salbutamol if it means never having to take a puff of primatene ever again.
Our pleasure signal patterns don't drive cars into children or fund gang bangers who shoot cops, dumbass.

the first problem would be most likely with alcohol.

the second is the result of laws making handling certain drugs illegal
I can't wait until I can buy cannabis off of the internet.

I can, because this would result in a mass increase in shipping, driving up my shipping rates, it would involve a lot of package theft, driving up my insurance and shipping premuims, and the theft could evolve into destruction of packages to find the materials and the theft of packages off porches.

There :p
I can, because this would result in a mass increase in shipping, driving up my shipping rates, it would involve a lot of package theft, driving up my insurance and shipping premuims, and the theft could evolve into destruction of packages to find the materials and the theft of packages off porches.

There :p

I think its stupid to leave the package on the porch anyways. Hmm giant box with DELL on it, wonder what that could be?

And its all thanks to yes you cannabis...
I think its stupid to leave the package on the porch anyways. Hmm giant box with DELL on it, wonder what that could be?

And its all thanks to yes you cannabis...

Umm, do you get packages ever delivered to you? Most drivers leaves them on the porch if they feel comfortable. You may want them to hold the package, but the shipper may release it or the driver may detirmine that it's to be left on the porch.

And the humor/sarcasm train missed your stop this morning...
Ummmm.... being a recovering heroin addict (2 1/2 years clean) and having bought Vicodin from a Malaysian pharmacy a few times, let me tell that it was much, much easier to buy dope on the street up here in Chicago than order it online. As far a saying that addicts are buying Heroin online, no that's not what they meant by "Drugs". They mean prescription drugs, pills mostly, some injectables but they are outrageously expensive and you're more likely to never get anything in the mail if you Western Union $500 to some Mexican pharmacy. There are legit places (legit in their country) overseas that take credit cards but you won't get anything strong from them in the way of opiates or amphetamines. So basically it's a big disappointment unless you want to save money on your heart medication that is. Just wanted to clear that up.

IMO they US gov should just let addicts buy whatever they want at a cheap price, either through mail order or from a US pharmacy. The law never slowed me down. In fact I didn't stop until I had my fill. If it were legal the end result (Misery) I feel would have come a whole lot sooner. All the law did was briefly interrupt my long stretches.
Ummmm.... being a recovering heroin addict (2 1/2 years clean) and having bought Vicodin from a Malaysian pharmacy a few times, let me tell that it was much, much easier to buy dope on the street up here in Chicago than order it online. As far a saying that addicts are buying Heroin online, no that's not what they meant by "Drugs". They mean prescription drugs, pills mostly, some injectables but they are outrageously expensive and you're more likely to never get anything in the mail if you Western Union $500 to some Mexican pharmacy. There are legit places (legit in their country) overseas that take credit cards but you won't get anything strong from them in the way of opiates or amphetamines. So basically it's a big disappointment unless you want to save money on your heart medication that is. Just wanted to clear that up.

IMO they US gov should just let addicts buy whatever they want at a cheap price, either through mail order or from a US pharmacy. The law never slowed me down. In fact I didn't stop until I had my fill. If it were legal the end result (Misery) I feel would have come a whole lot sooner. All the law did was briefly interrupt my long stretches.

If it was legal you would be dead bro.
he puts the [H] in hardocp rofl...

man stay away from needles... if its not dried out stuff god created... its bad karma. if it involves a mexican, columbian or afghani stay the fuck away regardless if its a pill, powder or liquid... or swag lol
Wait :eek: You bought mexican medication for your asthma and allergies because it was cheap?!!

Holy shit, you get the award for the man with the biggest balls. :p

Honestly man, if i was closer to mexico I would get all my medicine there, just walk into a pharmacy and pick it up, you don't even needs scripts. Its pretty civil down there really, my ex-wife's parents live down there now and absolutely love it. Gas is cheap medical care is much better than people here think and the cost of living is so much less. If I spoke spanish I would seriously consider it.