Internet Explorer Help


Sep 12, 2002
I lost my address bar in IE again. Last time it was on another computer so I deleted the User and got a new one, that fixed the problem. This time I don't want to delete the user, I want to know what happened, and why. I had just clicked from the [H] home page to the [H]Forum and it dissapered along with my bar at the bottom of the screen.

I tried to uninstall IE with the lame Windows IE uninstaller, but that didn't help.

If someone wants to, try to convince me to switch to another browser along with telling me what happened.

Bill Gates can take a long walk off a short pier with a copy of every piece of crappy software Microsoft has ever developed (stole) tied to his leg.

Umm, you sure it's not just hidden from your view, accidently dragged where you can't see it? Or, right click on an empty space of the top menu and see if Address Bar is checked.

Sorry if that was too n00bish ... but I've never heard of it randomly disappearing.

And yeah... switch to Mozilla or Firefox just because ;)
Ok, well right clicking I find address bar isn't checked, niether was the menu bar. But, now I cannot move them at all.

I'm really not a software guy, that's why I changed from Computer Engineering to Mechanical Engineering. There were just too many nitpicky little things in C, I decided that was plenty.

Ok, if you can't move them, then uncheck "Lock the toolbars" ... you should be able to move them after that.

I hear you.. I know a lot of programmers that can't use various software. I'm a computer science major myself.
I don't see "Lock Toolbar" anywhere!

At least with a machine I can see what is going on!

I'm not that dumb with Windows, I format, shave down processes with the help of, I have AdAware, I try to keep things nice and tidy, but Microsoft just won't let me be.


I found "Lock Taskbar" which now when clicked does nothing!

Burn in H*** Gates.
Corvette said:
I found "Lock Taskbar" which now when clicked does nothing!

Burn in H*** Gates.

It's not going to do anything by itself. If it's unchecked it should now allow you to drag the Address bar around.

What "Lock taskbar" does (when checked/enabled) is prevent you from accidently dragging various bars (address bar, links bar, Sports Bars) around.

Dragging them can be kind of tricky, but just keep playing around with it until you get it how you want it or fuck it up beyond all recognition. In which case install Firefox and be done with it. :p