Internet Explorer Max Downloads?

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Limp Gawd
Nov 13, 2003
I remember finding a little script that would change the max internet explorer downloads on windows xp to 50..the default is set at 2 for some stupid reason. Anyone have a link to a script similiar to this? Or easy instructions for doing the reg key change.

Thanks :)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server dword 50
MaxConnectionsPerServer dword 50

There u r.
It should also be mentioned that its illegal to do that. Something about using more bandwidth than you're supposed to or something like that...
Originally posted by Steve_010
It should also be mentioned that its illegal to do that. Something about using more bandwidth than you're supposed to or something like that...

That doesn't make much sense being that it's not microsoft who are providing the bandwidth in the first place.
Originally posted by Steve_010
It should also be mentioned that its illegal to do that. Something about using more bandwidth than you're supposed to or something like that...

Hahahahaha!!! That's the funniest thing I've heard this week. illegal.... lolol.... better not change your background! the fbi will come after you!
Originally posted by cmosdos
Hahahahaha!!! That's the funniest thing I've heard this week. illegal.... lolol.... better not change your background! the fbi will come after you!
Please dont be an ass. I was just trying to share along some info that i read somewhere quite some time ago. If you cannot understand why it is limited to only 2 then thats your problem.

Originally posted by coopsta
That doesn't make much sense being that it's not microsoft who are providing the bandwidth in the first place.
I never said microsoft would come after you or that anyone would at all. Maybe its less illegal and more morally wrong. If one person is using 100% of a sites bandwidth because he enabled simultaneous downloading of 100 files at the same time then I think thats wrong...but then again who really cares? The internet is full of people like you 2. There are settings for a reason.

In section "8.1.4 Practical Considerations" of rfc2616 :
Clients that use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server. A single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy. A proxy SHOULD use up to 2*N connections to another server or proxy, where N is the number of simultaneously active users. These guidelines are intended to improve HTTP response times and avoid congestion.

Also found:
By changing these settings you are causing WinInet to break the HTTP protocol specification for your application and any other WinInet applications running on your machine, including Internet Explorer. You should only do this if absolutely necessary and then you should avoid doing standard Web browsing while these settings are in effect:

Thanks for being open minded :rolleyes:
Thanks for being sarcastic :rolleyes:
Thanks for making this a great community :rolleyes:
my IE isnt locked, i can download as many files as i want, although the max ive tried is ~4
Steve_010, you said it was Illegal. Not morally wrong, and didn't provide any data to back up your position. I'm very open minded... but I know my shit and there are no ifs or buts about this: its NOT illegal. Which completely backs up my previous post.

As far as your second post goes... interesting stuff. Unfortunately its not completely relevant. Your basing this on the idea that he wants to download 100's of files from the same server all at once. 1) he could be trying to download something from different sites. 2) unless he has a fat oc45 pipe or something, he is limited by his service's download speeds. Doesn't matter if he's downloading 1 file at 500kb/s or 10 files at 50kbs. It won't affect the webserver. It will only affect his side.

"there are settings for a reason" -- yeah, for certain things there are. But there is a way to CHANGE those settings for a reason as well. Its called customizing your computer to how you want it. Otherwise, you might as well be running a MAC.

Don't read this as me being an ass or trying to flame or anything. Its my opinion based on years of experience. And the sarcasm that you speak of... That's called a joke around here. Lighten up.
It is a stupid limit. I wanted to download 3 or 4 files (from different sites) on my new XP install and after the first 2 had started no more would start... luckily I remembered the setting, and also one of the downloads was Mozilla (now setup and being used instead of IE) :D
Mmmm........I'm gonna try this. And I'm NOT trying to congest a server, but there have been times I need more than two files on limited time. I wouldnt say this is IMMORAL/ILLEGAL. Customize away. There are easier ways to screw up servers/comps. If someone really wanted to do damage, this small tweak wouldnt be the way...........theres no challenge in it. I dont like to be considered in guilt/malice BEFORE innocent, its supposed to be the other way around.
Wow, major overreaction here!!

What's wrong with unlocking the max download. Bandwidth is bandwidth. If you use a download manager, you can do more than 2 downloads from a site anyway. (Or a different browser)

Microsoft's reason for the 2 downlaods is a relic from when it was still the mosaic browser, and 9600 was smoking fast.
Originally posted by defcom_1
What's wrong with unlocking the max download. Bandwidth is bandwidth. If you use a download manager, you can do more than 2 downloads from a site anyway. (Or a different browser)
as i see it, since it's in the registry, it's not locked at all. it's just not for the average user to change. i'm sure it could have been hard coded in the source code or something

can't/shouldn't servers limit bandwidth per user anyway?
I don't get what the big deal is. Regardless of how many files you're pulling from a server at once, you're still using the same bandwidth! You can only pull so many kb/s down as your ISP allows you to.

Eg: if you're downloading a file at 150k/s and you begin downloading another file at equal priority, the traffic of each download would be 75k/s.
Angrybusdriver is pretty much right on this. Your only going to get x amount of bandwidth between the server end and your end, downloading multiple files is going to share it. The maximum downloads and number of connections are different. When you open up a webpage that has a lot of images, java, other objects, your making 1 connection for each item, which can be many connections. When you download your basically making 1 per file. Besides, any GOOD webserver and it's admin have configured the maximum number of connections & keep-alives that will be allowed per client.
Originally posted by Steve_010
Thanks for being open minded :rolleyes:
Thanks for being sarcastic :rolleyes:
Thanks for making this a great community :rolleyes:

I thought that what cmosdos said was kinda funny. And if you can't handle a single sarcastic comment like that then maybe you should go elsewhere. This isn't Mr. Roger's neighborhood. There is no rule about being ultra polite. Frankly I'm surprised that someone who has been on the forum as long as you hasn't learned to take everything with a grain of salt. Your little rant about it only makes you seem like someone who isn't willing to admit he is wrong.

But that's just my opinion... You do realize that we're each allowed to have our own opinion, right? :p
^^ wow im surprised this hasnt died yet...and you said that I overreact...
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