Internet Still the Leading Source for News

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Wait a minute, if the internet is the world’s leading source for news that would make me a younger, more tech saavy version of….Katie Couric?!? Ewwww.

The Internet is by far the most popular source of information and the preferred choice for news ahead of television, newspapers and radio, according to a new poll in the U.S. But just a small fraction of U.S. adults considered social Web sites such as Facebook and MySpace as a good source of news and even fewer would opt for Twitter.
Wasn't there one of these surveys done lately that showed "news saavy" shows like "The Daily Show" kept an audiences attention longer then the "normal" news?
Still? As in there was a chance people would get paper subscriptions since the last survey?
Wasn't there one of these surveys done lately that showed "news saavy" shows like "The Daily Show" kept an audiences attention longer then the "normal" news?

I could see that, but that's not true for me. Sometimes John Stewart or Colbert have some good/funny segments, but most of the time when I'm browsing channels and see them on, I don't stay on them for more than 1-2 mins. If I watch the actual news, even though it's more rare than me skimming across Stewart/Colbert, I usually stay and watch most/all the news show.

But anyways, yeah, the internets will always be my main news (and pretty much anything else) source. Now that I think about it, if I didn't have a wife/kids, I don't think I'd have cable TV at all. I can't even remember the last time I had a newspaper in my hand either, heh.
Wasn't there one of these surveys done lately that showed "news saavy" shows like "The Daily Show" kept an audiences attention longer then the "normal" news?

I dunno about that, but it's proven that people who watch the political satire shows like Stewart and Colbert's get their news in a much more neutral way (as in, they'll get the news from multiple sources, cross-reference it, and draw their own conclusion, instead of just believing what they see on FOX).
What I HATE about the "real" news on TV is that they will advertise a leading story and will not show it until later in the segment, but throughout the broadcast, they will advertise it as "Coming up next......"
Wasn't there one of these surveys done lately that showed "news saavy" shows like "The Daily Show" kept an audiences attention longer then the "normal" news?

Sadly Jon Stewart is more thoughtful and honest then most other "real" news shows.
hehe Steve, you keep giving us reason to bring up the whole man-bra incident ya know LOL
what happened to Asia Carrera interviews.... you guys are getting old on us.

Heck, how's Asia doing anyway. She was always so enjoyable to watch. Nice girl, bright, nowhere near what your typical sterotype of a porn star would be like.

She sucked @ FPS though :D
Internet is the best most convenient way of getting news and information. No need for newspapers or tabloids anymore. News on the TV can be watch occasionally, maybe because of not anything else, but not need for that anymore.