Interpolation of 20" LCD Screens


Sep 23, 2004
I'm buying a new screen, and currently have a 19" Viewsonic VP912B ordered, but here in Europe, they're scarce, so I'm considering cancelling my order and getting a 20" (2001FP or 201B) instead.

As I doubt my (current) rig can run games at 16x12, could you either tell me or post pics of how the interpolation looks like at, say, 1280x1024 and 1024x768? I'm quite aware of them being "only" 16 ms, but I've read around and the only thing stopping me from buying one is really having to worry about this.

Is any one screen better than the others?
vlad_Swe said:
I'm buying a new screen, and currently have a 19" Viewsonic VP912B ordered, but here in Europe, they're scarce, so I'm considering cancelling my order and getting a 20" (2001FP or 201B) instead.

As I doubt my (current) rig can run games at 16x12, could you either tell me or post pics of how the interpolation looks like at, say, 1280x1024 and 1024x768? I'm quite aware of them being "only" 16 ms, but I've read around and the only thing stopping me from buying one is really having to worry about this.

Is any one screen better than the others?

'Worried about 16ms'....what's the matter with you? You can run games at lower res for now if you have to; you'll replace the vid card long time before you ever swap for a new monitor. The LG 20.1" panel used in this model was made FOR gamers.

Stop thinking and click go to checkout.

Well, I'm not really worried about 16 ms, as I have heard/seen that the step down to 12 ms doesn't make much of a difference..

What I -AM- worried about, however, is how my games will look at, say 1024x768 or 1280x1024 on a screen that has 1600x1200 native. It will be a while before I upgrade my graphics card, so I'll be stuck with interpolation for a few months.

So, buy a screen now, or wait until I can afford both a screen and a graphics card, and buy the newest, hottest thing out there in a few months?
from what i understand the 2001fp is good at down scaling.
however, if your current system cant run stuff at the kind of frames youd like it to at 16x12, dont get a screen with 16x12 res. stick with a decent 19" 1280x1024 the new vp912b
My order for the VP912B has been pushed back once every week, for a week, since September.. The current delivery date is Nov 24th, but I guess that'll change again.. and again.. and again. Hence why I'm looking for another alternative. The Sony HS94PB is also too rare to be seen (No company can deliver it), so I'll just have to wait.