Interweb Racism in Blockland

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Limp Gawd
Sep 24, 2004
Not sure if you guys have heard of the cool game Blockland. But its a freeware (for now) game when you build stuff out of lego.

Needless to say.... look at what i stumbled across on another forum


this second picture, has a white KKK lego man beating the sh*t out of a black lego man, who no less, is in jail...

Not here to cry, just posting the interesting things on the interweb.
It was probably you Mr NAZI
I lol'ed.

If you havent noticed the internet it a pretty racist place. Racism is more a form of humor on the net as opposed to a form of harrasment.

But as the guy said above, "Cry me a river"
Ducay said:
Not sure if you guys have heard of the cool game Blockland. But its a freeware (for now) game when you build stuff out of lego.

Needless to say.... look at what i stumbled across on another forum

Must have been from Genmay. Just a guess.
I have yet to see someone actually get offended over something on the Internet. Every time someone gets "offended" it's because they usually want to be a drama queen or attention whore.
I've seen some people get offended, and would imagine this would be easier than many things to get offended at. However the people that I've seen get that way are normally cut from the same cloth as those that find everything on TV and all video games to be the root of all evil, and the cause for society's downfall.

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