Intro Computer Sound Stuff

Aug 30, 2004

This is what I have had for years. The receiver is a small little Optimus STA-300 and the speakers are some handbuilt things my dad made back in the 70's :D They have a woofer, tweeter, and mid range.

Anyways, I was curious what you guys would recommend for me if I wanted to start upgrading my chain. Right now I think my soundcard is the weakest link, it is some no name Audigy card. After that I would guess the speakers.

I'm looking for an idea on what my lady can get me for the holidays. So, if there is anything I should look into in the one to two hundred range, let me know.

Also, before someone says headphones - I like my Sony 7506's
Can you tell me anything about the mixer? It looks like it says Shure but resembles one of the smaller Behringer mixers.
Yeah the mixer is a cheapie Beringer. I slapped the sticker on for no real reason, came with the Sm57.
Soon as I saw the picture, I thought the speakers were the Optimus 5B, I bought a set of those in the mid-seventies, looked like that.
I'm looking for an idea on what my lady can get me for the the one to two hundred range....

How about a desk? That way you'll have room to place your speakers in a more optimal position...

That's what I would do if I were in your shoes anyway. I'm by no means an audiophile snob, but I noticed a big difference in my sound when I was able to move/angle my speakers in an (almost) equilateral triangle with my big noggin.

...the biggest change - IMO - for just pure enjoyment = subwoofer, but I can't provide any suggestions. I'm happy with the cheap 10" DCM sub I got nearly 10 years ago. I'm sure I have if some audiophile snob came to my room, he would complain, "Its in the wrong spot. Its not matched to your speakers. You have the crossover too high and the volume too loud"...but it sure sounds awesome to me :D
Yeah the mixer is a cheapie Beringer. I slapped the sticker on for no real reason, came with the Sm57.
Thanks Aeon...mystery solved. :)

Sorry I can't help you with any ideas for your upgrade since there's a good chance your system sounds better than mine. Those '70s era dads had some mad skills. :D
What's the complete chain? (ex: source -> soundcard -> receiver -> speakers)
Computer Soundcard --> Receiver --> Speakers

And yeah I think these speakers aren't bad at all. I wish I knew wtf they truly were...All I can find that is still readable is "Knight Kit"
I'd probably replace the speakers first.
A) the magnets or surrounds (or both) are probably worn to hell and back on the drivers.
B) I think you'll get a lot of bang for your buck computer speaker wise vs sound card replacement.

If I were you, I'd hunt down an Altec Lansing MX6021 2.1 set. They're about $150 off Tiger direct and the sound is almost as good as the older MX5021's I used to have.