iOS 11 Beta


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2004
Anybody running the iOS 11 beta yet? I plan on running the public beta when it comes out, but was curious to hear how stable the first developer beta is so far.
It's pretty bad so far, probably as bad as iOS 7 beta with tons of problem.
Rolled back about 2 hours into 'using' it. I'm excited for the changes, yet this build can't be considered for any sort of daily hardware, left it on my older phone however, will use it for targeted dev work.
I'm really hoping they polish the smart color invert feature a bit more. I've been wanting a 'dark mode' in iOS for a really long time.
I got an email from them saying something about if i use ios11b that two factor will be enabled and made better or some shit.

Still never tried the beta as i cant be fuked testing bugs for a company who persist in charging over the odds for their shit.

£1000 for a fucking phone, bastards have me paying it off each month til next summer but I want a new phone now.
Running iOS 11 beta on my iPhone 6 Plus and watchOS 4 beta on my Apple Watch. Both seem pretty stable so far.

OK, I have had one app, Garmin USA, crash a couple times while reinstalling some of the extra content, on iOS 11.
Also, had a random reboot of my watch when Siri was accessed.

Edit 2:
It seems my Apple Watch will sometimes randomly disconnect from my iPhone and I can't reconnect unless I toggle bluetooth on/off. This has never happened before.
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Only problem I have had so far is the Tivo app won't download shows to my iPad - the app crashes back to springboard. Not that big a deal since I rarely care about doing that - I was testing something out for someone else. First time in about three years I have tried to download something from my Tivo.

I'm sure I'll run into some other minor bugs, but so far I haven't noticed anything significant. I got used to enough things on my iPad (the biggest being vastly improved consistency in notifications between the notification center and lock screen) I ended up putting it on my phone as well. So far so good. I'm tempted to update my watch too.
iOS 11 developer beta 2 is available, also watchOS 4 developer beta 2 is out.
Edit: Beta 2 is bad, I’d say worse than beta 1.
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Yeah it’s hella buggy. Going to upgrade to beta 2 tonight.
Public Beta 1 came out today. Already installed it on my iPad Mini 3. Will consider it on my phone after the next public beta release. Already crashed my iPad a few times.
Interesting the Developer Beta 2 Update 1 is a newer build than the Public Beta.
Now that I've been using the Public Beta for a few hours, it seems pretty stable. Now it's got me kicking around the idea of running it on my iPhone 6. My major complaint now is how slow it is on my iPad Mini 3.

The smart color invert option works better than I was expecting, but it slows down my iPad quite a bit. Also some apps don't work well with it yet.
Couldn't help myself...Upgraded my iPhone 6 to the public beta the other night. Much faster and smoother than my iPad 3. Mostly stable over-all.
Yeah the public beta (can’t seem to get my developer image to install) is 100x better on battery life than beta 1
I stopped using the smart color invert option for now. Even on my iPhone 6 it seems to slow the phone down substantially deciding what elements to reverse and what not to. And alot of apps don't play nice with it still.
I was, but mailed my watch in to revert back as the iOS beta was so buggy at the time, I will probably go back to the beta program a few more revisions in. There are some day to day apps that are reported as not running on iOS 11 at this time.
Anybody running the watchOS beta?

I'm running watchOS 4 developer beta, and so far battery life sucks, I can barely get thru a day without going into power reserve mode. Previously I never got the battery that low in a single day. There are lots of other issues as well, like messages crashing, random reboots, random bluetooth disconnects (from iphone).
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Anybody running the watchOS beta?

Ya, running it on mine. Battery life is just HORRIBLE. I can't even get through my work day without me having to take it off and recharge it. Seems Travolta is having same issues here.
Phone is downloading public beta 2.

Hopefully this fixes some of the issues I have been having.
i broke my developer certificate on my phone somehow anyone know how to recertifiy a device for the developer editions?

in any case i am downloading beta 2.
Anybody running the iOS 11 beta yet? I plan on running the public beta when it comes out, but was curious to hear how stable the first developer beta is so far.

I've ran beta's, and they are generally pretty stable. But crap they are annoying. New builds come out every few days and it will bother the shit out of you until you install it. It's so obnoxious I vowed never to do it again.

Same with OS X.
I've ran beta's, and they are generally pretty stable. But crap they are annoying. New builds come out every few days and it will bother the shit out of you until you install it. It's so obnoxious I vowed never to do it again.

Same with OS X.

I've only ran the iOS public betas, but they only seem to come out once every 2 weeks or so. Not to unreasonable for me.
Public Beta 2 is running worse than 1 for me for the most part.
WatchOS 4 developer beta 3 seems to be better on the battery so far, although I have not extensively used my watch in the last couple days.
Fuck sake, every ios update brings my ipad air closer to its knees, basically forcing me to upgrade.

Fuck sake, every ios update brings my ipad air closer to its knees, basically forcing me to upgrade.


Don’t run beta software then. They always perform worse at first, although iOS 11 seems to be particularly bad.
Don’t run beta software then. They always perform worse at first, although iOS 11 seems to be particularly bad.

I dont, never have run beta ios, I upgrade when it comes out of beta because of security fixes, bug fixes or because if I dont a shit ton of apps will no longer work or work properly.

Just seems that every new ios update and I am not speaking about just new versions ie from 10-11, but all small updates seem to have a massive effect on my ipad.

Its way slower than it ever has been, the battery doesnt last as long and the battery still has most of its charge left, I think the slowness and battery running down is caused by more intensive background tasks.

I think the major killer is the fact its only got 1gig of ram.
iOS 11 developer beta 4 is much better than previous betas, most of the issues I've had seem to be corrected. Trying WatchOS 4 developer beta 4 now also.

Safari settings Prevent Cross-Site Tracking and Block All Cookies are grayed out and cannot be turned on/off. Worked fine in last beta.
Safari website data will not clear. 0kb website data constantly returns after clearing. This one is getting old.
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Public Beta 3 is out. Wasn't expecting it till Wednesday or Thursday.