iOS 6 update or keep jailbreak


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2003
For you jailbreakers out there, I'm curious to hear whether you plan to accept the iOS 6 update or if you're going to hold out until a fully functioning jb is available?

I'm thinking of taking the update since some of the features I currently get through my jb are now part of iOS 6. For instance, the ability for Siri to open apps, a "do not disturb" feature to turn off notifications at night and FaceTime over cellular. The Facebook integration and turn-by-turn nav also seem like good additions. I will definitely miss SBSettings, but not sure if that one singular tweak is worth missing out on all the new iOS 6 features. It seems unclear if/when the next jb will be released.

iOS 6 supposedly has a JB out.

It's only been tested on iOS 6 GM (_should_be the same as the official release) and doesn't work with Cydia. Good for devs to test their jb tweaks but not ready for prime time.
Jailbreak of course. There is nothing really interesting in iOS 6. Maps? Use Waze for free or Navigon/ others because there is no offline map caching.

I could not go without BiteSMS, Music Controls pro, Activator, iFile, Themes (stock iOS is disgustingly drab), Protube, Safari download manager, Springtomize, SuperSwitcher, and other random tweaks.

For me moving to iOS 6 would be a major step backward like all stock iOS 6.

iOS 6 jailbreak is A4 devices only and tethered.
Facetime over whatever internet connection, instead of only Apple-approved connections.
Ability to use the wifi chip you paid for however you want to use it.
Blockchain App, just because it's cool.
Sticking with jailbroken 5.1.1 for as long as I can until my iPhone 5 arrives. Then I'll have to wait for an untethered jailbreak.