ios 6 update?


Feb 4, 2006
Quick question on ios 6 update. If i update to ios 6, is there away to keep google map? I went to the app store to see if google map is available and its not. I need the goole map cause of the bus schedule and route. Thanks
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Engadget said:
Big city folk, you're going to have one significant qualm with the new Maps: there are no public transportation options for navigation. The button is present (next to driving and walking) when you plug in your destination, but when you attempt to set up a route, you're taken to a "Routing Apps" screen that makes references to the App Store. This makes sense, given that Apple is supplying developers with a transit API, but we can't imagine that homegrown public transit options aren't already in the works. Until an official solution is put into place, however, this omission is likely to frustrate urbanites who rely on subways and buses as their primary means of getting around.

Google is set to release their own version of Maps in the near future, but it looks like there isn't a solution currently.
Quoted from :

"Pin the Google Maps Webapp to Your Home Screen

The pre-installed Google Maps app hasn't updated in forever, and it's been replaced by a completely new, Apple-designed Maps app in iOS 6. If you want more than just basic maps features—like Google Maps' saved locations, transit and biking directions, and an autocomplete-enabled search for nearby businesses. If you want a true Google Maps experience on iOS, you just need to pin their webapp to your home screen like so:
  1. Open up Safari and head to
  2. Click the share button at the bottom of your screen, and choose "Add to Home Screen".
  3. Give your icon a name and it should load the iOS-optimized icon for Google Maps. Place it on your home screen wherever you like.
That's it. It isn't as smooth as a native app, but you'll get all the features of Google Maps—not just the ones in the toned-down iOS app—right at your fingertips."

It's second from the last section on the page.