iOS4 out now!

The initial reboot takes forever. Unless my phone is now a brick...

How long did it take you [H]'ers for the initial reboot after it goes through the iTunes crap?
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From the point the download finished to the time my phone had rebooted back to the home screen, it was about 20 minutes.
this will work on a 3g right?...if so ill get getting it once a jailbreak is available
Man, no push for Twitter updates in the background unless the app specifically has push option in it.
Waiting for PwnageTool to come out, since I unlock via blacksn0w and don't want to unlock via ultrasn0w (MobileSubstrate dependency FTL).

After that, I'll upgrade.
I was pissed enough to make this, which sums up my feelings on iOS4...

eh... multitasking isnt really multitasking at all. All it does is you don't have to go back to home screen to run another app that you want to use. It doesn't seem like it save the state of the app you're in.

For instance, I run Bookworm game to play, then I double click on the home button to bring up the multitasking menu, I choose to look up an address on the map. After I'm done, I double click on the home again and pick Bookworm, thinking I just resume where I left off. Low and behold, Bookworm has the load again as if I just ran it the first time.

That's my 5 mins with the IOS4 so far, gonna keep playing with it.
eh... multitasking isnt really multitasking at all. All it does is you don't have to go back to home screen to run another app that you want to use. It doesn't seem like it save the state of the app you're in.

For instance, I run Bookworm game to play, then I double click on the home button to bring up the multitasking menu, I choose to look up an address on the map. After I'm done, I double click on the home again and pick Bookworm, thinking I just resume where I left off. Low and behold, Bookworm has the load again as if I just ran it the first time.

That's my 5 mins with the IOS4 so far, gonna keep playing with it.

Apps have to update to specifically support multitasking, because there's a new API involved. If the app hasn't added support, it won't save state, it'll just relaunch when you cycle to it, which is the behavior you're observing and mistaking as poor multitasking.
Apps have to update to specifically support multitasking, because there's a new API involved. If the app hasn't added support, it won't save state, it'll just relaunch when you cycle to it, which is the behavior you're observing and mistaking as poor multitasking.

Gotcha, so I guess it's still too early to tell then.
eh... multitasking isnt really multitasking at all. All it does is you don't have to go back to home screen to run another app that you want to use. It doesn't seem like it save the state of the app you're in.

For instance, I run Bookworm game to play, then I double click on the home button to bring up the multitasking menu, I choose to look up an address on the map. After I'm done, I double click on the home again and pick Bookworm, thinking I just resume where I left off. Low and behold, Bookworm has the load again as if I just ran it the first time.

That's my 5 mins with the IOS4 so far, gonna keep playing with it.

Has Bookworm been updated to support multitasking?
I was pissed enough to make this, which sums up my feelings on iOS4...
There actually was a reason why backgrounds were not implemented on the 3G. It is apparently too slow for smooth icon animation with a background, and Apple is very picky about the user experience.

Along with Steve Jobs' reply, there is a sensible comment on this page that sums it up:

I don't know why everyone is so baffled by this.

In implementing homescreen wallpapers, Apple realised that (as is clear from many Jailbreak themes) custom backgrounds often look [like] rubbish and/or reduce usability. To counteract this they've added drop shadows to all the icons and text which make it much more readable / attractive. Unfortunately this runs like crap on a 3G (and you can test this on a jailbroken device, google "enable homescreen wallpapers 3g", give it a shot - I have). So Apple were left with 3 choices:

1. Enable it on the 3G, leaving it running like crap.
2. Enable it on the 3G, but remove the shadows making it look [like] crap.
3. Disable it on the 3G completely.

Apple being Apple they'd rather have no feature at all than implement a feature at even 95% of the quality it could be.

You may or may not agree with that kind of stance of course, but that is definitely why it isn't available on older devices (even though with a jailbreak you can get a similar feature)
Has Bookworm been updated to support multitasking?

The PopCap version of Bookworm hasn't been updated since October of last year. The knockoff version got an update on the 19th, but says nothing about being iOS 4 tested or support for multitasking.

Short answer: no. Long answer: probably not.
My normal 3G has been running about 20% slower since the update. I like the idea of the folders, but I'm not sure I like the look of how they were implimented.
I really do like the new iPod interface tweaks, though.
The idea of a unified mailbox is pretty cool, but since there are no unified trash/outbox folders it doesn't really help me much.
I get the feeling this update is really much better on a 3GS, or especially on the new iPhone 4.
My 3G is slow as heck as well. I'll agree with Domingo that it's about 25% slower overall.
My normal 3G has been running about 20% slower since the update. I like the idea of the folders, but I'm not sure I like the look of how they were implimented.
I really do like the new iPod interface tweaks, though.
The idea of a unified mailbox is pretty cool, but since there are no unified trash/outbox folders it doesn't really help me much.
I get the feeling this update is really much better on a 3GS, or especially on the new iPhone 4.

awwww shit 3g is even slower now? wtf!
Whats this i hear about att or apple basucally can locate you when they want on the new os. And you basically agree to it when u upgrade/install the new os
Any iOS4 3GS unlocks yet? I can see that redsnow works on 3g but not 3gs?