IP-35 Pro vs. GA-P35-DS3R vs. IP-35E


Aug 2, 2002
Hi there - I'm considering one of these two mobos for a Q6600 build. As best as I can tell, the only feature I'm really losing by going from the IP-35 Pro ($158) to the DS3R ($130) is firewire (and extra Ethernet as well, though I doubt I'd ever use that). I don't need firewire, though I wouldn't mind having it for the future's sake. Then, going from the DS3R to the IP-35E ($75) it looks like I'd lose RAID. Again, I don't initially need RAID, so this is not that big of a deal probably. I've heard that the Abits overclock a bit better than the Gigabyte as well.

Thus right now I'm thinking I'll probably go for the IP-35E. Am I missing something?

i own a ip35-e
for the simple reason i don't OC and if i wanted to it has ok features.
its cheap
looks nice
no need for fancy stuff
but had double boot, which was no problem for me

but you have more money and u want to OC then the ip35pro or the gigabyte one is great

really depends what you doing with it and how much moeny u got

bottom line ip35-e great cheap board that gets the job done well
Since you have a Q6600, your OC will be limited by your CPU before your board, since all of those boards can reach at least 400Mhz, which would put your Q6600 at 3.6Ghz. So, as far as OC'ing goes, any of those boards will do just fine.

Since you don't need RAID and Firewire, then go for the IP35-E. If you need legacy ports, go for the GA-P35-DS3L instead.