IP Management Tool?


Limp Gawd
Apr 19, 2005
This is a pretty simple question if anyone has experience on this:

What does everyone use for IP management? My current company is using an excel sheet, and it's VERY ineffective - and more importantly, I'm about to launch something of my own, and want to start on the right foot there. All I need is the ability to take a pool of IP addresses, allocate them to a server ID / customer ID (cutomer ID optional), and keep it centralized.

Anyone care to make a suggestion? I've found phpip which seems pretty nice, but input is even better.
A simple database would be a step up from a spreadsheet. How massive is the pool of addresses you are keeping track of?
If you throw it into an Access database you can match up ip addresses or ip address ranges with a server and/or customer id. It'd be easy to search if you want to pull up a single customer and see what is allocated to him or enter an ip address and see who owns it.

I've never done this professionally so take my advice with a grain of salt but it works great for the scenarios i've set up for personal practice.


What was posted below me seems like a much better choice.