iPad 2 and XBMC?

Oct 29, 2003
I recently read about XBMC for the iPad 2. I am definitely interested in jailbreaking my iPad 2 and install this software.

Can someone tell me which guide is the easiest to follow to install XBMC?

Is the latest version of XBMC optimized for the iPad 2? Which is the "best" version to install? I value stability.

Does XBMC support subtitles? If so, which formats does it support? What about Blu-Ray's PGS subtitles?

Any issues with XBMC that might make me consider buying GoodPlayer for iOS?

Right now my iPad have iOS 5.0. Which is the latest iOS update that I can install before jailbreaking it? I know the recent 5.1 won't work so I won't install it.

Thanks for the help!
Install xbmc on iPad

The wiki answers all of your questions.

Yes, it supports subtitles, either point to existing subs or download them using xbmc subtitles. Also, from what I see, you need to remain on iOS 5.0 for it to work correctly.
I usually take advice from people who have actually done the process first hand, not just what they found on google :)