iPad 2, Jailbroken... like that was a surprise

I thought they were waiting for 4.3.1 before releasing a Jailbreak because they didn't want apple to patch the flaw too soon.
iPad 2 is special. They fixed a hardware exploit that the jailbreakers have been using. They don't want to waste it until they can be reasonably sure they can use it for a while. They may not even release it until after the iPhone 5 comes out. I haven't read up on the latest tho, they could be planning a release this week still.
iPad 2 is special. They fixed a hardware exploit that the jailbreakers have been using. They don't want to waste it until they can be reasonably sure they can use it for a while. They may not even release it until after the iPhone 5 comes out. I haven't read up on the latest tho, they could be planning a release this week still.

Yeah, I wouldn't waste releasing the fix on the iPad 2..wait for something bigger..something that grabs more attention. Makes sense.
Yeah, I wouldn't waste releasing the fix on the iPad 2..wait for something bigger..something that grabs more attention. Makes sense.

Ahh, sarcasm. You think it is just about fame for these guys? iPad 2 is big, but since the HW exploit was patched, these guys are gonna be cautious. The iPhone 5 is a better target because jailbreaking is more useful on the iPhone.

I am just speculating, I don't know what these guys will do in the end. They may decide that it is worth it to release now for the 4.3 feature set for everyone else.
There is really no point at jailbreaking an ipad...I dont really see much gain.

I have the unlimited 3G plan...try running MiFi on an iPad and an iPhone as see which lasts longer. And if you are having to use it to work remote, really don't want the batteries in your phone to die.