iPad 5 Refresh


[H]ard DCOTM x4 & [H]DCOTY x1
Nov 10, 2009
Im starting to think of selling off my iPad 3 and pickup the refresh this fall. Am I right in seeing all the current rumors are pointing to a sept/oct release? I use my iPad for school mainly (starts late aug/early sept), so the less down time the better...... Anyone have any good links on rumors atleast? I saw the macrumor one, and another site (cant remember right now which one) that was saying a sept/oct release.......

Thanks for any thoughts on it
Bout what I figured, didnt know if there were any substantial rumors in the pipeline though (some seem to have been spot on in the past ;) )
Yup, fall. Yesterday's quarterly earnings call made me confident that most of the product lines aside from the Macbook Air and the iMac are going to be refreshed before the next call in October. Only one I'm not sure about is a Retina iPad Mini, but I think you can bank on a Sep/Oct launch for new Macbook Pros (Retina, maybe a kill-off of the non-Retina line), new iPhones (5S and whatever they call the plastic one) and a new iPad (same 9.7" screen, but similar to the Mini in terms of aesthetics and feel, maybe a Retina Mini but more likely next year).

Any event launching new stuff will be after Sept. 6, since that's when Apple's back-to-school promo ends.
Ahh, k, ive never followed the apple launch/announcement stuff, how soon after announcement would an iPad probably launch in retail ?

I do know I bought at a semi-bad time, like 3 months prior to the release of the iPad "4" with the thunderbolt lol .... just my luck on timing...
Hopefully its more than iPad 3 to 4, or even 2 to 3. Most people who buy them never really noticed the difference between 2 and 3(just looks a bit better, that's what my parents said).
I got the 3 because of its screen, thats honestly the reason (higher PPI is good for my engineering books, atleast on my eyes, compared to the other screens at the time). If i do go to upgrade, i'd be getting a "retina" again regardless, the rest of the upgrade is more for CPU power etc.
I would too, I'm just saying this from a non-enthusiast user. (I use my parent's opinion for that :p). If they can make it a bit thinner again, increase power and maybe battery life then that would be nice. The problem I see is, what are they going to do after that?
Thinner, lighter, redesigned chassis, an A7-generation CPU and iOS 7. It'll be as radical as the transition from the iPad 1 to the iPad 2.
Fuk off with this ipad shit, you lot are just reminding me my ipad two 64g is nearing the end of its life.

Tis disheartening.
Fuk off with this ipad shit, you lot are just reminding me my ipad two 64g is nearing the end of its life.

Tis disheartening.

Not for another hardware generation at least. Apple still sells it and they released a new product (iPad Mini) less than 9 months ago that uses the same internal hardware. Because it's the same inside as the Mini, it will probably continue to be supported for quite some time.
Until Apple schedules an event, any release dates are pure speculation.

when is the next apple event? september?

edit: like the developers conference, or whatever it is that apple does. the official meeting / show of new crap.
when is the next apple event? september?

edit: like the developers conference, or whatever it is that apple does. the official meeting / show of new crap.

Some time in September/October, there's no published date for it yet.
I heard that Apple are on the fence about releasing an iPad Mini with Retina display because it'll affect the sales of the full-size iPad. I think it's inevitable, though I am convinced they may delay their original intention.

I may upgrade to the iPad 5 but may hang onto my iPad 3 anyway. I can't believe how perfect the display is. Not one bit of backlight bleeding even at full brightness.
Thinner, lighter, redesigned chassis, an A7-generation CPU and iOS 7. It'll be as radical as the transition from the iPad 1 to the iPad 2.

This! All Apple has to do with the next iPad is make it lighter. The iPad 4th gen is pretty much perfect except for the weight.
One thing I noticed about the 4 that really bothers me is the dynamic contrast ratio. It didn't seem apparent on the 3. It's really evident when watching 16:9 video in the dark, on my device at least. Hopefully they ditch that in the 5.
Isnt that more of a software thing?

Im thinking of maybe picking up a used/refurb iPad 4 (All i use it for is internet, Waze(with BT GPS, and tethered to my phone), XBMC remote, occasional games, and lots of PDF / Magazine reading .... And thats after a year of use), just to get more space (16gb gets quite tight on occasion im finding, especially with magazines), since most stuff is pointing at a little thinner/lighter (not a concern to me), and a bit better CPU (again with my usage not much of a concern as I dont see an issue with my iPad 3's CPU/Ram)
Isnt that more of a software thing?

Yeah, definitely controlled by some sort of software but I'm not sure whether it's iOS or whatever firmware drives the display. I didn't think it was iOS since I noticed it as soon as I got the 4 (coming from the 3) on the same iOS version.
Yup, fall. Yesterday's quarterly earnings call made me confident that most of the product lines aside from the Macbook Air and the iMac are going to be refreshed before the next call in October. Only one I'm not sure about is a Retina iPad Mini, but I think you can bank on a Sep/Oct launch for new Macbook Pros (Retina, maybe a kill-off of the non-Retina line), new iPhones (5S and whatever they call the plastic one) and a new iPad (same 9.7" screen, but similar to the Mini in terms of aesthetics and feel, maybe a Retina Mini but more likely next year).

Any event launching new stuff will be after Sept. 6, since that's when Apple's back-to-school promo ends.

You know, I have a Mini and I think the screen is just dandy. A Retina display would increase weight and decrease battery life. I just don't see it being needed on an 8" display. I like it just the way it is (and yes, I prefer the 4:3 format over the 16:9 - makes for a more comfortable tablet to hold).

I'd rather see the price drop $100 and keep it the way it is for a while.
Fuk off with this ipad shit, you lot are just reminding me my ipad two 64g is nearing the end of its life.

Tis disheartening.

I have an iPad 1 that's about 3 years old now I think. It still works perfectly. Even the Battery is still working great.

Unless you step on it, I don't think there really is an EOL for a tablet. It can always be used for something. Hell, if all else fails nail it up to the wall in the garage to use as a garage music player and quick internet access to order pizza after a hard day of woodworking.
Latest rumors for the next iPhone unveil is Sept 10. Wouldn't be surprised if the next iPad was included in the announcement or shortly thereafter.
Im starting to think of selling off my iPad 3 and pickup the refresh this fall. Am I right in seeing all the current rumors are pointing to a sept/oct release? I use my iPad for school mainly (starts late aug/early sept), so the less down time the better...... Anyone have any good links on rumors atleast? I saw the macrumor one, and another site (cant remember right now which one) that was saying a sept/oct release.......

Thanks for any thoughts on it

I would keep the old one. They are still quite useable.

My iPad 1 is on a Goosneck stand by the bed. I don't have cable in that room, so I do Amazon Prime and Pandora on it.

My iPad Mini is my main tablet now. I also have an Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7" but I don't use it much because it won't let me run the apps I want (only limited apps on the amazon app store). Shame, since it's nice hardware.
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I don't see the point in upgrading. No big leaps in power have been made.
I don't see the point in upgrading. No big leaps in power have been made.

What are you expecting? A massive leap in device power would undermine Apple's app ecosystem. There's never going to be an iPad released that is so utterly amazing that it makes the previous model completely obsolete. That said, the jump from the 4th Gen to the 5th Gen will be as large an upgrade as the iPad line has ever had, on par with the jump from the iPad 1 to the 2. Every major aspect of the device has been overhauled or upgraded.
What are you expecting? A massive leap in device power would undermine Apple's app ecosystem. There's never going to be an iPad released that is so utterly amazing that it makes the previous model completely obsolete. That said, the jump from the 4th Gen to the 5th Gen will be as large an upgrade as the iPad line has ever had, on par with the jump from the iPad 1 to the 2. Every major aspect of the device has been overhauled or upgraded.

Where are the specs/info you are basing this on?
What are you expecting? A massive leap in device power would undermine Apple's app ecosystem. There's never going to be an iPad released that is so utterly amazing that it makes the previous model completely obsolete. That said, the jump from the 4th Gen to the 5th Gen will be as large an upgrade as the iPad line has ever had, on par with the jump from the iPad 1 to the 2. Every major aspect of the device has been overhauled or upgraded.

I'm expecting a very incremental upgrade - possibly a screen size change or two. But the iPad 3 has been perfectly fine and I haven't come across any apps that begin to tax the system.
Mostly parts from the supply chain, as they're leaked. Not every single one is legit, but there's been more than enough by now to be certain that it looks like a large version of the iPad Mini. The latest:

That has pretty much what I have been reading at various sites. By making it like the mini (just with the larger screen) it should be a lot lighter and if they can remove enough of the bezel on the two sides I am curious if it will fit comfortably in one hand.

My wife and I have the Ipad3 and while we do like it a lot, I hate the weight of it. It's common for me to sit on the couch for two hours at a time surfing the web, trying out apps, etc., and the weight of it really is a pain. Once the Ipad5 comes out and Mini2 I will definitely be getting one of them just for the weight reduction.
What are you expecting? A massive leap in device power would undermine Apple's app ecosystem. There's never going to be an iPad released that is so utterly amazing that it makes the previous model completely obsolete. That said, the jump from the 4th Gen to the 5th Gen will be as large an upgrade as the iPad line has ever had, on par with the jump from the iPad 1 to the 2. Every major aspect of the device has been overhauled or upgraded.

The jump from iPad 2 to 3 was pretty significant, IMO.
What are you expecting? A massive leap in device power would undermine Apple's app ecosystem. There's never going to be an iPad released that is so utterly amazing that it makes the previous model completely obsolete.

The iPad 2 did exactly that.

And if you think Apple is afraid of cannibalizing itself, you aren't paying very much attention.
The iPad 3 and 4 are practically the same, they only released a new version so they could switch to the new port.

I think the iPad 5 will have a new design and a much faster SOC.