iPad Keynote in Less Than 180 Seconds

"This is really exciting, amazing, beautiful, amazing, beautiful, amazing, beautiful, amazingly remarkable, beautiful, gorgeous, great, easy, beautiful, easy, great, beautiful, great, beautiful, REALLY amazing, beautiful, beautiful, amazing, beautiful, beautiful, incredible, thank you."

I thought of a use for the iPad. I built a movie database of ~300 movies, and it would be handy to have an iPad that guests could just browse through without having a bulky laptop to worry about.

I'm sure there are enough mainstream users with the same specific need... right?

It's called a list.... on paper.. Whoa a revolutionary concept. I call it... PAPER! Patent pending.
Crestron and companies that specialize in systems for home theater, security, and home automation control cost a hell of a lot more than $500. Objectively, yeah, $500 is a lot, but considering that the iPad can do way more than that and that specialized hardware/software that is made only for that one single purpose costs more than $500, it isn't so bad.

And if $200 is more your speed then there's always the iPod Touch. You're sacrificing on the screen size (useful for things like monitoring security cameras) but you're getting that functionality.

Like I said, I agree with you, it's simply a matter of cost. I'm going to by probably 2 or 3 Windows 7 Slates if they are around $500 each.
I'm with the rest of you all that are waiting for the Windows 7 based tablets. I just hope they keep the same level f aesthetics as the iPad because with all the things its supposedly lacking, its real pretty.
2 points after seeing this.
anytime anyone describes a piece of hardware as magical its most likely a turd or they have a small penis or both.
that thing looks easy to drop. after having to replace two iphones for cracked screens after dropping them i shudder to think what the out of warranty repair will be for the ipad.
I'm with the rest of you all that are waiting for the Windows 7 based tablets. I just hope they keep the same level f aesthetics as the iPad because with all the things its supposedly lacking, its real pretty.

I'd bet on Android giving you that instead, at least with that combination of size, speed, and price. A mobile OS on low power hardware can manage that. Tablets running full operating systems are also heavier and more expensive the highest end iPad. Unless the vendor is willing to lose money on each sale, I don't see how they're going to get them to start at $500.
Out of all the iPad articles and comments, not one person has touched on the biggest fatal flaw the iPad has...

The iPad can't print. Not on it's own. It's not better than a netbook and can't ever be a stand alone device.

There. Done. Finished.
Out of all the iPad articles and comments, not one person has touched on the biggest fatal flaw the iPad has...

The iPad can't print. Not on it's own. It's not better than a netbook and can't ever be a stand alone device.

There. Done. Finished.

You took it off topic where we all say "beautiful, amazing", but here goes.

Not true, it supports printing over Wifi and Bluetooth. I haven't read confirmation on USB printing but that may also work over its USB dongle. We'll find that out over the next few weeks.
I'd bet on Android giving you that instead, at least with that combination of size, speed, and price. A mobile OS on low power hardware can manage that. Tablets running full operating systems are also heavier and more expensive the highest end iPad. Unless the vendor is willing to lose money on each sale, I don't see how they're going to get them to start at $500.

Check out the Archos 9. Windows 7, 80GB HDD, and about the same size as the iPAD for 550$.
is it just me or does it lack pen input? WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD I WANT TO TYPE ON A TOUCH SCREEN >.<
I dunno. I could care less about a pen on a big screen. The only thing a stylus was used for was hitting those small icons on 2.8" or smaller screens. A pressure sensitive stylus, like on a Wacom, would make the iPAD half-way usefull to at least artist's.
Check out the Archos 9. Windows 7, 80GB HDD, and about the same size as the iPAD for 550$.

I've seen it. Less than half the battery life, resistive touch screen, hardware feels cheap and significantly slower compared to HP's tablet (which to be fair costs almost twice as much and is larger), and it uses Windows 7 Starter Edition which actually lacks some tablet functionality that other editions have, etc etc.

Its close, the main thing it needs is battery life comparable to or better than a standard notebook, a capacitive touchscreen (which would require a capacitive stylus), and I'd argue a better physical design and monitor. I'm not sure how much it would jack up the price to do those things, or if fitting in a larger battery is even possible given that the Archos uses physical hard drives that take up more physical space than flash storage. It would also help battery life and access time using non-mechanical storage, etc.

To be totally clear, I'm not sold on any tablet at the moment. HP has a better tablet than the Archos but I don't want that one either, might as well get a notebook given its size and 5lb weight. I already have a laptop, smartphone, and a Kindle. I'd be more open to getting a tablet if I could replace any of those devices with one but I don't think a case has been made just yet.
I dunno. I could care less about a pen on a big screen. The only thing a stylus was used for was hitting those small icons on 2.8" or smaller screens. A pressure sensitive stylus, like on a Wacom, would make the iPAD half-way usefull to at least artist's.

The Brushes demo was the only really impressive thing at the iPad presentation: http://gizmodo.com/5458318/ipad-brushes-gallery/gallery/2

Its basically a larger size version of this app: http://brushesapp.com/

If I was an artist I'd probably want a pen. That said, its kind of crazy what people have made with a little iPhone app, especially those New Yorker covers.
Are you nuts? $500 for displaying a movie database display? I would rather hand write out all 300 titles then spen $500 on a display.

From a touchscreen tablet, multimedia, and eBook point of view, I think the iPad doesn't quite cut it, but I do agree with the HTPC potential of this device. As I mentioned in another thread, the Logitech Harmony 1100 Advanced is $400 and the iPad is $100 more and can do so much more than the Harmony. Get the AirMouse Pro and ngRC or your favorite HTPC remote app and other theater room controls app (light control, etc) and you have yourself a kickass HTPC device.

If some dev could make some sort of media library browser app for this iPhone/iPad to browse through your media storage and execute the video, it would be grand. I wonder if there are apps that can control your receiver and turn on your television too.
If the iPad doesn't change my entire outlook on life, I will be sooooooo disappointed. Oh, and for all you fanboys, let me sum up every Jobs product introduction:

This (insert item) will change your life. Everything we made last year is crap. Your life is completely meaningless if you don't have one of these.

That is all.
I don't see what the problem lies here. After all things are well in order.
The person with the most articulate vocabulary in Apple is still the CEO.
Ok IDK about you guys but for some reason after hearing how awesome it was all those times it basically ruined that word for me for a while now. But for the hardware for a windows 7 tablet could be a modified version of the windows 7 they bundle with netbooks and use similar hardware to compete for price.

Mediocre, not so..Great!, been there, done that, hyped, overpriced, small market, hype!, Newton anyone?, too big!, too little, Shift?, not so..Great!, buy this!, Steve said so, hype!, peace out!

Mediocre, not so..Great!, been there, done that, hyped, overpriced, small market, hype!, Newton anyone?, too big!, too little, Shift?, not so..Great!, buy this!, Steve said so, hype!, peace out!

You're one of the few people other than myself that seem to remember the Newton. I owned one so I know it well.

Jobs actually canned the development of that device IIRC.
is anyone else finding it strange that we *need* to actually dig around and "find" uses for the iPad?

I mean, if RIM decided to make an oversized blackberry, do you know how much crap they'd get put on them?
Wait, when they flashed the crowd for a moment, they all seemed kind of middle-aged or rather past-middle aged and fairly overweight? Where were the young, hip, trendy model guys dressed in cool clothing that Apple always advertises as being a 'Mac' versus the fat middle aged 'pc' guy? It seems like the Mac crowd was as out of the definition of cool/fit/trendy as the pc commercial guy near most.
is anyone else finding it strange that we *need* to actually dig around and "find" uses for the iPad?

I mean, if RIM decided to make an oversized blackberry, do you know how much crap they'd get put on them?

Ultimately this has been the issue for all non-traditional form factor computers beyond PDAs and phones. Those you can fit in your pocket and make phone calls on.

I remember when the first Windows XP Tablet PCs came out over 7 years ago and people where asking the SAME questions. Why do I need this? What does it do that I can't already do? And the funny thing is that those machines did and still do something that even the iPad almost a decade later DOESN'T do. Digital Ink.

Then the cost issue. A $500 iPad simply isn't going to fly off the shelves long term. Nor would a $500 HP Slate for that matter. A $500 laptop simply has MORE overall utility for most folks. And I think the iPad not only has to compete against laptops and netbooks and other tablets, it has to compete against phones, and in particular of course the iPhone.

Devices such as these to really take off have to be cheap, like about $100 simply because they are competing with devices that while not as light also don't fit in a pocket, offer more utility and are cheaper.

The iPad will probably be pretty popular but its not going to overcome all of this history not version 1.

Now if they start selling these cheaper, perhaps with a subsidy, they might take off. Remember that that's how iPhones got to be popular. Remember the first iPhones were going for $650.

But also the iPad is just going to have MUCH stiffer competition in the slate category. The iPhone OS will be going head to head with the most popular OS of all time in Windows. It's not going to be a cake walk if HP and Dell (Android) can come up with good devices. And HP will have the advantage of Windows with its product. The slate that you can hook up to your TV and play Windows and Flash game on. And do your PowerPoint presentation on. That's going to have a lot of appeal.

Just inserting times ahead!
Apple has some nice products. IMO the Ipod is the best media player hands down. The Iphone is the nicest cell phone I've ever seen. The iPad however... I don't know wtf they were thinking. The size of it is downright stupid. It isn't comfortable to hold, you are stuck buying books only from Apple's store. There are much better devices out there such as the Barnes & Noble Nook which has books the exact same price as the cheap Amazon E-book store. I seriously hope the iPad hurts Apple's bottom line as it seems they simply ran out of ideas and pushed this new piece of garbage onto their cult of fans.
I stumbled across this video before seeing it on hardforum and was so happy that someone summed up everything I felt I got out of the parts of the presentation I've watched.

I've never seen/heard/read any of Steve Jobs presentations before, but I've always heard him referred to as a genius of marketing and incredible with his presentations. And that said, I can only feel disappointed and completely flabbergasted after seeing him present the Ipad. My mind was numb after just a couple minutes, and it's because of that I must admit I haven't watched or tracked down all of it, I've only seen bits and pieces.

My thoughts on the thing boil down to three possibilities.

1 - This is him trying to simplify everything for the common people; which I feel like would be talking down to them, and ends up making him sound like he doesn't know what he's talking about.

2 - He even had no idea how to market the Ipad.

3 - This is brainwashing in the works.

I'm going to go with a combination of all three.