iPad Owners Are A Bunch Of Apes

LOL, follow this:

Orangutans (with iPads) = iPad owners
Orangutans fling poo

Therefore, iPad owners fling poo! :D
I wouldn’t start worrying until they start ordering stuff online with stolen credit cards.
LOL, follow this:

Orangutans (with iPads) = iPad owners
Orangutans fling poo

Therefore, iPad owners fling poo! :D
I thought it was

Orangutans play with iPad's
Orangutans play with poo

Therefore, iPad's are poo?
iPad is not a computer.

Depends on whether you're using the actual definition, or the typically accepted definition. Technically I could give them a bop-it and claim I gave them a computer according to Meriam Webster's definition.
Apple products are made for dumb apple hipsters that are to dumb to handle windows linux or android and they have the IQ of a Simian.
Now we have Steve Jobs to blame for the coming Simianpocalypse!

I'm no spelling/grammar nazi, I make too many mistakes to judge other people, but none the less I chuckle whenever I read a "your a idiot" or "are to dumb" from these wonderful "intellectual superiors" that are strutting around. :D
Apple products are made for dumb apple hipsters that are to dumb to handle windows linux or android and they have the IQ of a Simian.

So you're saying that the most profitable company in the United States of America only caters to one type of audience?

Please respond.
I'm still using an old netbook and apes are getting iPads. I want in on whatever scam they're pulling so I can get expensive electronics at someone else's expense.

And when orangutans start wearing turtlenecks and showing up at board meetings, I'm going to blame the zoos!
Apple products are made for dumb apple hipsters that are to dumb to handle windows linux or android and they have the IQ of a Simian.

This is me as a nutshell, except I also use Android. So, rather than seeing that they are competing products that both have merits, I both am and am not a dumb apple hipster that is too dumb to handle windows, linux or android and I have the IQ of a Simian (for someone taking pot shots at IQ, you sure don't seem to be able to grasp basic grammar).
So you're saying that the most profitable company in the United States of America only caters to one type of audience?

Please respond.

Why do people always say shit like this about Apple? Apple is not "The most profitable company in the US" Never was. Its number 3 with microsoft just barely behind them. Exxon has been the most profitable company in the US for quite a while and Apple has not even come close to taking that spot and probably never will.
I own an iPad, I view this as a personal attack, Steve!! :p

Ok ok, I clicked the story :D
My 2 year old hasn't broke his ipad yet. So I guess the monkey's got potential.

Hopefully the apes won't want to watch Yo Gabba Gabba all day long though................
In other news, Scientists discovered today that Orangutang Poop makes for a terrible LCD cleaner. They can't seem to overcome the issues with streaking.
Why do people always say shit like this about Apple? Apple is not "The most profitable company in the US" Never was. Its number 3 with microsoft just barely behind them. Exxon has been the most profitable company in the US for quite a while and Apple has not even come close to taking that spot and probably never will.

Apple is the most profitable technology company in the WORLD. There..happy?