iPad Storage


Dec 23, 2008
I work in a school and we have recently purchased a batch of thirty iPads and I'd like to learn more about the storage options available to us.

Obviously there is iCloud, but can that be used across thirty devices? How would that need to be set up?

I've seen other schools using Dropbox and know that this is another option.

Finally, is there a way of using local storage? For example buying into some more Apple technology (airport, time capsule or something like that) and storing files locally? We don't have a partiucarly fast broadband connection and I'm concerned that it will be a choking point if large files are being moved around. One of the things that I'm keen to use the iPads for is video. Obviously once you've got a few iPads all trying to upload video to iCloud it will slow down pretty quickly. Also, I'm concerned that we could fly through our storage allowances pretty quickly and find that we need an expensive plan before long.
What exactly do you need to do? Can your workflow work with a local server/storage, and just creating a network share location for videos, and just use an app? I guess my question is, where are these videos located that the teachers would be using the iPads for?

Apple does have school/education and corporate tools for their devices. I don't know whether you need to pay for that though, and it wouldn't help with the poor bandwidth issues.
The children would be using the iPads to shoot video and then saving it so that it can be watched back at a later date. So really the storage system would need to integrate into the camera app in the same way that iCloud does automatically and Dropbox does through auto uploading.

Thanks for the link. I really like the look of it but unfortunately it only supports eight devices at once. There could easily be thirty devices needing to access the storage at once.
Box.net and Dropbox both do this and have educational programs available to schools for exactly this purpose.

If you join the Apple Developer Program ($99/yr for up to 100 devices) you can whip up your own app for your environment that does whatever you want. You can integrate your server infrastructure right into the "Share" button inside the Camera app. Might be a better choice if you have something specific in mind for your infrastructure.
check out some of the synology devices, DS1513+, there are a bunhc of apps that you can download from the appstore to allow the connections to the NAS. for the DS1513+ there are also some expansion units to add additional storage, i believe it maxes at 60TB.